I'm addicted and I need help...



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Once you go black...you know the rest.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I didn't read all of the responses, but this is what I do... for each cup (mug) of coffee is put in 2 TBS of 2% milk and then 1 serving (1 tbs) of Fat Free Vanilla Cream. The cream is only 25 calories. I'm not tracking sugar, so I don't know how much sugar that is...
  • micbegin
    I have one cup with 2 Tblsps of Dunkin Donuts Extra Extra creamer. It is 80 calories, but I'm not giving it up! lol
  • erinknurse1
    I use fat free half and half with sugar free vanilla torani syrup. Amazing!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Why do you need to get off coffee? If your daily coffee fits into your calorie budget, why stop drinking it? Unless there's a specific medical reason you need to quit.

    I guess if you want to take down your creamer intake, maybe find a lighter roast? They're not as strong and you may find you don't need creamer (or as much) with them. And I'm not talking Starbuck's blonde roast, that's actually more a medium roast than a light roast. There are lots of places that do the bulk coffees you can check out to see what's out there.
  • Ethereal_Whisper
    Ethereal_Whisper Posts: 70 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - if you did not get your coffee fix …would you pick up a gun and rob the nearest convenience store for money/coffee to fulfill your "caffeine" fix; or would you go rummage through a dumpster for coffee grounds? If not, then you are not addicted and just need to learn self control.

    How is addiction measured by the propensity to commit a crime? Addiction is defined as "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming."

    So yes, someone could have a caffeine addiction without it just being a lack of "self control". Without it they can have withdrawal symptoms "headaches, nausea, shakes, etc" as you would if you were addicted to a controlled/illegal substance. Does that mean they are going to go rob a convenience store? No. Just because someone is addicted to drugs doesn't mean that they go a hold up stores or panhandle for money. Do people do that? Absolutely, but not everyone with an addiction is a criminal.

    Perhaps instead of belittling someone and saying its just "self control" look at the actual facts. Caffeine is classified as being addictive just like drugs or alcohol. Someone people can cut it out cold turkey, others need a more gradual process. Everyone struggles with something, and we all have a lack of willpower at times. However, it is not for you or I to judge her or put her down. A little encouragement can go a long way.

    Furthermore I think she was using the word "addiction" in a very loose sense and not clinically speaking.

    OP- try doing one less spoonful then you normally do and see how that goes. If it fits into your calories for the day, and its something you enjoy then I wouldn't worry about it. We all have our vices. :)

    I am pointing out the fallacy of using the word "addiction" for self control issues...

    last time I checked, people were not checking themselves into rehab centers because they were addicted to caffeine...

    and do I really have to list every action that a potential addict would take to point out the idiocy of saying that one is addicted to coffee...I mean I can start listing them if you really want...I was just using two quick ones...

    OP - have you ever taken 500.00 out of the ATM at 4am in the morning to fulfill your coffee addiction? < is that better?

    I'm addicted to caffeine.

    I overdosed on caffeine last year, but i've never taken 500 dollars out of my bank to get it. Does this mean i'm not addicted?

    Overdose on caffeine? How did you manage to do that? Pills? What happened?

    Pills, yeah. Ended up taking in 1200mg of caffeine at one time, and that was probably the scariest night of my life. Was under stress and made a bad decision.

    Thankfully i've cut down my caffeine intake to about 200mg daily(so roughly 2 cups of coffee worth)
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 826 Member
    To coffee. With cream and sugar. :) I honestly can give up/cut back on anything but my coffee with cream and sugar. I can use Truvia, if need be but I have yet to find an alternative to my coffee creamer. I typically just use the powder stuff. Any suggestions? TIA! =)

    Yes! I suggest you enjoy your coffee, the way you like to make it. Decide how many you think is reasonable to have in a day, budget it into your calorie allowance, and then enjoy your treat, free of guilt.

    I have worked over the last year to reduce the amount of sweetener I use in mine, because I know that it is simply bad for me to use four our five teaspoons of sugar. LOL Now I make it with a packet of Splenda, and vanilla almond milk. Will I ever try to teach myself to drink it black? No, because I don't like it. I like lattes, not coffee itself. ;)

    Honestly, I think you should be much more concerned about fast food and the packaged garbage we all eat too much of than you should be about a couple of cups of coffee with real cream (which your body likely appreciates the "real" fat content of anyway).
  • The_GingerBeard_Man
    The_GingerBeard_Man Posts: 197 Member
    I use protein powder for my sweetener and creamer. I fill a shaker cup 7/8 full with black coffee and then add one scoop of muscle milk pro 50 vanilla or chocolate. I really like the flavor that it adds and it helps to hit the protein macro. Depending on the flavor, it is around 155 cals a scoop with 25 grams of protein.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I've given up caffeine and dairy so it's decaff Nescafé with Alpro original Almond or Soy, which has a little sweetness. I've got to say it's absolutely delicious and without the side effects!
  • heybethhyde
    heybethhyde Posts: 4 Member
    I personally have been drinking coffee black for a while and like someone else said, good coffee can be a treat on its own. HOWEVER, I find using a tbsp of straight heavy whipping cream (no additives, no sugar) to be wonderfully decadent in coffee and a nice treat. Similarly, I've used canned coconut milk (not the bottled/boxed stuff and definitely not the "creamer" - those all suck. Full, fat canned coconut milk!), and it definitely scratches an itch, too. :)
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - if you did not get your coffee fix …would you pick up a gun and rob the nearest convenience store for money/coffee to fulfill your "caffeine" fix; or would you go rummage through a dumpster for coffee grounds? If not, then you are not addicted and just need to learn self control.

    How is addiction measured by the propensity to commit a crime? Addiction is defined as "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming."

    So yes, someone could have a caffeine addiction without it just being a lack of "self control". Without it they can have withdrawal symptoms "headaches, nausea, shakes, etc" as you would if you were addicted to a controlled/illegal substance. Does that mean they are going to go rob a convenience store? No. Just because someone is addicted to drugs doesn't mean that they go a hold up stores or panhandle for money. Do people do that? Absolutely, but not everyone with an addiction is a criminal.

    Perhaps instead of belittling someone and saying its just "self control" look at the actual facts. Caffeine is classified as being addictive just like drugs or alcohol. Someone people can cut it out cold turkey, others need a more gradual process. Everyone struggles with something, and we all have a lack of willpower at times. However, it is not for you or I to judge her or put her down. A little encouragement can go a long way.

    Furthermore I think she was using the word "addiction" in a very loose sense and not clinically speaking.

    OP- try doing one less spoonful then you normally do and see how that goes. If it fits into your calories for the day, and its something you enjoy then I wouldn't worry about it. We all have our vices. :)

    I am pointing out the fallacy of using the word "addiction" for self control issues...

    last time I checked, people were not checking themselves into rehab centers because they were addicted to caffeine...

    and do I really have to list every action that a potential addict would take to point out the idiocy of saying that one is addicted to coffee...I mean I can start listing them if you really want...I was just using two quick ones...

    OP - have you ever taken 500.00 out of the ATM at 4am in the morning to fulfill your coffee addiction? < is that better?

    I'm addicted to caffeine.

    I overdosed on caffeine last year, but i've never taken 500 dollars out of my bank to get it. Does this mean i'm not addicted?

    Overdose on caffeine? How did you manage to do that? Pills? What happened?

    Pills, yeah. Ended up taking in 1200mg of caffeine at one time, and that was probably the scariest night of my life. Was under stress and made a bad decision.

    Thankfully i've cut down my caffeine intake to about 200mg daily(so roughly 2 cups of coffee worth)

    Dang girl. That's scary. I'm glad it's better for you.

    Yea nitpicking/derailing around here seems to be a thing.
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    I like my coffee sweet & light. My system doesn't tolerate Splenda or aspartame, so I use real sugar and whole milk - 2 tablespoons (more or less) of each per cup. It's not enough calories that I'm going to worry about it.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Once you go black...you know the rest.

    I used to like my coffee like I like my men; pale, sweet, and rich. but then I started actually measuring how much cream and sugar I was using, and I tried to cut back to two creams/two sugars, but... the blah taste wasn't worth it.

    so now I've learned to love plain ol' coffee. the thicker/darker = the better.
  • moniker_74
    moniker_74 Posts: 16 Member
    could try powdered skim milk?
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Since I learned to drink coffee in New Orleans, it has to have milk or cream or something. I use lowfat Carnation evaporated milk.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - if you did not get your coffee fix …would you pick up a gun and rob the nearest convenience store for money/coffee to fulfill your "caffeine" fix; or would you go rummage through a dumpster for coffee grounds? If not, then you are not addicted and just need to learn self control.

    I was kidding, I thought obviously, hence the smiley face and was hoping to get others suggestions for alternatives to creamer. My CDA (Coffee Drinkers Anon) 12 step program says I should over look the overly analytical and pompous nay-sayers, but that is step 6 and I'm only on 4.
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    measure out what you want to use, and make it fit into your day. I like my coffee really milky/creamy so I use either almond milk when I am losing weight (30 cals per cup) or lowfat milk when I am in maintenance (100 cals per cup)

    When I put Almond milk in my coffee, it curdles!! How do you make it not do that?

    OP - Have you tried coffee mate? You can get sugar free, and in all different flavors and it's delicious. Also, I found french vanilla flavored coconut milk made especially for coffee, and if you like sweet creamy coffee, you should love this.

    I have the same problem with almond milk too! I will try the coconut milk. It sounds delish! Thanks! =)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - if you did not get your coffee fix …would you pick up a gun and rob the nearest convenience store for money/coffee to fulfill your "caffeine" fix; or would you go rummage through a dumpster for coffee grounds? If not, then you are not addicted and just need to learn self control.

    How is addiction measured by the propensity to commit a crime? Addiction is defined as "the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming."

    So yes, someone could have a caffeine addiction without it just being a lack of "self control". Without it they can have withdrawal symptoms "headaches, nausea, shakes, etc" as you would if you were addicted to a controlled/illegal substance. Does that mean they are going to go rob a convenience store? No. Just because someone is addicted to drugs doesn't mean that they go a hold up stores or panhandle for money. Do people do that? Absolutely, but not everyone with an addiction is a criminal.

    Perhaps instead of belittling someone and saying its just "self control" look at the actual facts. Caffeine is classified as being addictive just like drugs or alcohol. Someone people can cut it out cold turkey, others need a more gradual process. Everyone struggles with something, and we all have a lack of willpower at times. However, it is not for you or I to judge her or put her down. A little encouragement can go a long way.

    Furthermore I think she was using the word "addiction" in a very loose sense and not clinically speaking.

    OP- try doing one less spoonful then you normally do and see how that goes. If it fits into your calories for the day, and its something you enjoy then I wouldn't worry about it. We all have our vices. :)

    I am pointing out the fallacy of using the word "addiction" for self control issues...

    last time I checked, people were not checking themselves into rehab centers because they were addicted to caffeine...

    and do I really have to list every action that a potential addict would take to point out the idiocy of saying that one is addicted to coffee...I mean I can start listing them if you really want...I was just using two quick ones...

    OP - have you ever taken 500.00 out of the ATM at 4am in the morning to fulfill your coffee addiction? < is that better?

    I'm addicted to caffeine.

    I overdosed on caffeine last year, but i've never taken 500 dollars out of my bank to get it. Does this mean i'm not addicted?

    Overdose on caffeine? How did you manage to do that? Pills? What happened?

    Pills, yeah. Ended up taking in 1200mg of caffeine at one time, and that was probably the scariest night of my life. Was under stress and made a bad decision.

    Thankfully i've cut down my caffeine intake to about 200mg daily(so roughly 2 cups of coffee worth)

    Dang girl. That's scary. I'm glad it's better for you.

    Yea nitpicking/derailing around here seems to be a thing.
    Nitpicking and derailing.