Hi! First Day....Any Motivational Tips?



  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Welcome! I am 5'1", currently hovering around 160 and started at 176. My biggest tips are to take your measurements and progress pictures. I lost 6lbs between the two pictures in my profile picture and was so discouraged because it didn't sound like a lot and neither did the 5.25 inches I'd lost. The picture is worth 1,000 words, especially on shorter girls like us. 6lbs translates a lot more on our bodies than it will on taller people.
  • moniker_74
    moniker_74 Posts: 16 Member
    I get up first thing to exercise before getting my kids up and off to school. I need to keep these workouts short so I can't talk myself out of them. There is a great workout dvd website called Collage Video - you can sort the DVDs by workout length and choose workouts that are 20-30 minutes. I have several by the Firm, Jillian Michaels, Kelly Coffey-Meyer (love her!), a 20 minutes-a-day yoga program, and also T25 (which I am currently working on). I like to just get some activity in first thing - and then it's done if I don't make it to the gym later in the day (which is my plan, but doesn't always happen). Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you wish! Welcome to the MFP family!
  • tamime
    tamime Posts: 2 Member
    How do you get the cute little banner app that tracks you weight lose?
  • tamime
    tamime Posts: 2 Member
    I think I found it.