

  • My boyfriend and I make a point to eat more protein everyday then what is recommended. More protien helps build muscle which helps you burn fat. Its better to eat more carbs recommended and less carbs because your body uses carbs to burn for energy and if you don't consume so much then it will burn fat for energy. Don't…
  • Don't feel like everything you put in your mouth has to be a vegetable or mineral. Everything is moderation. I like baked cheetos (34 pieces for 130), costco's peanut butter filled pretzels (10 pieces for 140), and low calorie cereals with lof fat milk. Also if you are having trouble with cravings make sure you…
  • You can't really weigh in all the time because your weight will fluctuate due to fluids and food in your system. I weigh myself often but do not record it every single time. It kind of just tells me how my body retains what I put in it. The biggest thing I have noticed after losing 18 pounds is that my jeans are…
  • They slower you lose the weight the easier it is to keep it off. Your doing great! Welcome to MFP!
    in Hey! Comment by MrsMedeiros March 2011
  • Don't be afraid to do strength training. This makes your muscles more efficient and helping your body burn fat. Try not to go by the number on the scale but how your clothing is fitting and the difference you see in the mirror. As a male you are born with one layer of fat for survival and as you lose more fat your body…
  • As long as you are eating 1200 calories per day you will be fine. Anything under that and your body could be prompted to go into starvation mode and store the calories and fat you eat instead of shedding it. Good Luck!
  • Think about what you were doing while eating the licorce. If you were watching tv or surfing the net then you were doing what is called "mindless eating." You are tuned into the activity you are doing and not how much you are eating. Also a good trick if you don't want to over indulge when snacking is take one serving and…
  • I am aiming for 70 pounds and have lost 5 pounds so far this month.
  • Also the best time to weight yourself is in the morning after your "business" so that your body is void of the most excess. Don't weigh yourself everyday because you will go crazy with the flux. I picked one day, Saturday, because my body has more time to ease into the day rather than on a weekday before I run off to work.…
  • Here is a list of veggies I bought yesterday at the store: Summer squash, zuccini, asparagus, mushrooms, bell peppers, broccoli, and cauliflower. You may not be able to grill all of these on the Foreman but you can easy grill them on the stove top or even steam in the microwave. Try adding different seasoning blends or…
  • Don't eat your calories back. I was at first and saw no results. As soon as I started to eat at or just under my goal intake and exercise for at least 20 mins I started to see weight come off. Exercise is the extra push your body needs to burn energy stored in fat cells. Also watch your carb intake. When your body has a…
  • I drink 8 oz of water when I get a craving that I know will put me over or I won't burn by exercising. It fills you up reall quick. Make sure you try and drink the recommened 8 cups a day. It has helped me from snacking uncontrollably. Also I have found some healthy alternatives to the unhealthy snacks I used to know and…
  • Hmmm. I'm 30 and 5'5'' and it has me at 1320 calories a day. It factors in the amount of calories you burn naturally through just living and daily activity and puts you at a 1000 calorie deficit. I would definitely check your numbers again just to make sure. Keep in mind your very young and tall as well.
  • I recommend canned salmon instead. It has more nutritional benefits and are low in contaminants. If your on the west coast Costco sells it in packages of six.