I just need some advice to keep my head on straight.

I weigh 167 right now, and I am 5'3. My goal weight is 120. I eat 1200 calories a day and exercise, and I eat the calories back. I know there are 35435 opinions to every topic, but what about eating these calories back? Is it really necessary? I understand why people say you have to, but I also understand why people say they don't. The people that don't are getting good results as well, so what's the harm? I am the type of person that needs reassurance sometimes to make sure I am doing the right thing, when I do my confidence level stays where it should be. Am I eating enough calories? Should I not eat my exercise ones? I would LIKE to lose 2 pounds a week, and I know some of you will say that it's more healthy not to, but that is what I would like. If anyone could share how many calories they eat, their height and weight, and how much they have lost so far, that'd be helpful. Also, let me know if you eat your calories back.

Thank you guys so much, I know that I can come on here and ask anything and (most of you) will not be judgmental.


  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    If you have your loss goal set at 2 lbs per week, you still have to eat those exercise cals. Because if it is set at 2 lbs per week, the site automatically includes a 1000 cal deficit for each day, before OR after exercise is added in. This site is designed to make it as simple as possible. Set your goals and then meet them - the rest is taken care of.
  • littlelioness
    I never understood that either...my husband always said that it's not good to eat less than I burn at the gym but I don't know how accurate that is. I know for me though, that it's the fastest way I lose weight. I mean, in my little world, makes sense to burn more than what is being taken in...but again, I may be wayyy off. I'm 5' 3" as well! Or 5' 2"...can't remember lol.
  • biancafitzsimmons
    It all depends on how rapidly you want to lose the weight and how much you want to maintain that weight. I'm doing only 1200 cals a day and exercising 30/60 minutes 6 times a week. I want a rapid weightloss and a totally life style change in my diet.

    Maintaining it is the key.

    Don't forget you can eat as much salad and veggies as you like... But limit to 3 pieces of fruit a day.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Hey There, so yeah, I am 5'8, MFP has me at 1200 per day, I currently weigh 160.4 and I started at 174+/-1. I exercise quite a bit (at least burning 3500 per week usually more) and do a mix of strength, cardio and yoga and pilates classes. Honestly, sometimes I eat it back sometimes I dont. I TRY to net 1200 (which means eating everything back) and when I do that I see the best results. So i eat at least half back on average I would say. drinking tons of water, eating less sodium, and eating less at night are also things that show me the best results. Honestly, its kinda a situation where you have to do experiments that honestly reflect differences, like eat nothing back for 5 days, eat half back for 5 days and that coupled with all sorts of outside factors makes it kinda messy. If you are seeing any results that are positive and you feel good, keep it up!!
  • MrsMedeiros
    Don't eat your calories back. I was at first and saw no results. As soon as I started to eat at or just under my goal intake and exercise for at least 20 mins I started to see weight come off. Exercise is the extra push your body needs to burn energy stored in fat cells. Also watch your carb intake. When your body has a low carb intake it turns to burning fat more quickly.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    And just for good measure, I'll again post some good threads explaining metabolism and why you will do better eating those cals:



    Read them! :tongue:
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    When you weigh in, you will know how your body is responding. I eat back most, but not all of my exercise calories, and I lost 4 lbs. the first week. See how the weigh-ins go, and work from there...
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I started mid july I eat 1200 cals a day I dont eat back my exercise calories unless I have done ALOT (over 700 cals in exercise) then I only eat back about 200-300 cals. I have lost 49lbs so far still have a ways to go, I am 1/2 way there. I hope this helps
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    At first I didn't eat my exercise calories and I was sometimes under my calories for the day and all was fine.....until it wasn't anymore.

    About 3 or 4 weeks in I stopped losing weight and I didn't lose for about 4 or 5 weeks. When I asked for advise I was told I wasn't eating enough. I thought that was crazy, but the person I asked had lost 15lbs so I took his advice. I upped my calories to 1320 and starting eating all or almost all my exercise calories and the weight started melting off. I reached my goal a couple months later and have been happily maintaining for the last 2 1/2 months.

    Good luck with your journey I hope you find a system that works for you.

    I also ate up until about 11:30pm, and still do most nights, and it didn't have any negative effects on my loss.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    girl, have you set mini goals? if not you should start. make them monthly like 4lbs down each month, better to want less than more. weigh yourself monthly too that way you dont see small loses, and you work harder that whole month. make your daily intake1600 cals and dont eat back what you burn, unless you want to stay at your weight. make good choices at every meal. you will see results if you really make an effort
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Thanks everyone!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    girl, have you set mini goals? if not you should start. make them monthly like 4lbs down each month, better to want less than more. weigh yourself monthly too that way you dont see small loses, and you work harder that whole month. make your daily intake1600 cals and dont eat back what you burn, unless you want to stay at your weight. make good choices at every meal. you will see results if you really make an effort

    I do make an effort, I exercise every day, but hearing all the different opinions has me questioning myself sometimes. I think I will up the calories to 1600. Thank you. :]
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I think some of the differences in experience might be how accurately everyone entered their current level of activity. I have mine set at sedentary (desk job). I'm 5' 9", currently weigh 202, and for a goal of 1.5 pounds/week, MFP allots me about 1650 calories/day. 90% of the time I eat back each and every yummy calorie I earned working out. My average weekly loss has been 1.4 pounds over the last 6 months. So for me the formula works great!

    Don't necessarily listen to the people that say it's all black and white. Do this, don't do that. You're learning along the way, and that is key. You'll learn how your body responds to different things. I tried netting less than 1400 calories for a week--it was the worst week I've had since starting. I got easily fatigued, and I was a grump! Maybe try changing one thing for a week, see how that goes. Mix it up and keep your body guessing.

    Good luck!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Everyone is different, has different calorie goals and will have different results. For most people, it's best to eat the exercise calories, especially if your goal is 1200. That will keep your metabolism from slowing down and making your body store fat instead of burning it.

    Through some experimentation, I've found that I can't really lose 2 pounds per week. Sometimes it may happen, but I generally lose 1-1.5 pounds. And that's because I need more calories than other people, if I get less than my body needs I don't lose. Knowing all this, I take a more relaxed approach to my weight loss. For me, this is more about changing my habits, exercising on a regular basis and eating healthier, unprocessed foods. The weight loss is still my goal, but because of how I'm treating it, it becomes more of a side effect of my healthy habits.

    When I started here I had 55 pounds to lose. I anticipated that would take about a year. But, I also knew I'd be getting pregnant within 6 months. So I had to split my goal in half. I've lost 10 pounds so far, I'm hoping to lose 15 more by April when I'll be getting pregnant. If I end up losing more, great! But whatever happens, I'm not in this for a quick fix.

    So think about your ultimate goal. Is it to be skinny, or is it to be healthy? Being skinny is great, but being healthy is more important. You can try to lose 2 pounds per week, but it doesn't work for everyone. You have to remember that you have to eat in order to lose weight. Even though it can be frustrating, sometimes you just have to take it slow.
  • monyango
    monyango Posts: 166
    Are you hungry? If you are hungry I'd eat some healthy snacks. If not, don't eat. I think eating back your exercise points in optional. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't depending on how hard I've worked out and how hungry I am. I don't think too huge of a deficit is good but having one isn't going to harm you.

    Oh and I'm 5'8" and 137 pounds and currently maintaining my weight.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    At least eat some of the exercise calories. I think some variation is good especially if you feel hungrier you would want to eat most. I try to leave a bit uneaten mostly because I don't know if I have estimated everything perfectly and I have my goal set for only 1 pound per week. I think 2 pounds per week for a while will work fine. As you see how it is working out you will get a better sense of how it works for you. However give it a while before you decide. It depends on the exercise too. If it is alot and rigorous you need to eat more. Yes 20 minutes of exercise isn't a big deal but an hour and not eating any of those exercise calories when you have only 1200 as your calorie goal is going to stall you in the end not to mention upping the chance of gaining what you lose back later.
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I'm 5'4 so close to your height and I think i started at around the same weight as you. I work in kilos so converting to lbs i need a calculator haha

    I try and eat 1200 calories a day no matter what. So i don't tend to eat my exercise calories back. :blushing: but my BMR is 1450 so 1200 only give me a 250 calories deficit where most people I believe get a 500 calorie one :ohwell:

    some days I'm a bit under some days I go 100 over. I don't track weekends but i eat healthy and have a few drinks and keep exercising.

    Since October I've lost 8 kgs (18 lbs) and I've near felt hungry.. but now the weight is coming off slower but I'm toning up as well and if i don't loose anything one week I'm still loosing inches
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    hey im just about ur size lol! im just under 5'3" and i weigh 159.5. i have the same issues with 'eating back' the cals. i think u should definitely not EAT less than 1200 cals because that can slow down ur metabolism. if you do a vigorous workout-u probably should eat back some of the calories- especially if you feel weak or very hungry. but i think its ok to not eat back all especially if u feel good! good luck!
  • Elke_louise
    Thank you all for the advice on eatting exercise calories back and following the BMR rather than just basing goal on how much per week you want to lose. I've been struggling with that all this month.

    I can never seem to find a happy medium. I either eat too many calories or not enough; exercise too much or not enough. Drink enough water or not enough. I can't seem to strike any balance from day to day. The days I don't eat enough, I just don't feel hungry. The days I eat too much...usually I'm majorly stressed with my 5 year old or my job, not necessarily hungry.

    But it helps to read all this advice because it confirms what I knew in the back of my mind I was doing wrong with the eatting or not eatting the exercise calories. So thanks!
  • michie1979
    michie1979 Posts: 41 Member
    I recommend going with what your body tells you. If your hungry, eat some exercise calories, if your not, don't force yourself.
    I dont eat all my exercise calories, incase I overestimated.
    Your body reacts well if you vary ur calorie intake. So eating your calories back somedays, and not others, keeps your metabolism on it's toes. Cut down on sodium, drink lots of water, and never go below 1200 :)