Reaching my calorie goal...

I'm having such a hard time finding foods that are good for you, but taste good as well. I get tired of eating carrots for a snack and when I'm trying to catch up on my calories for the day, they don't provide enough. Does anyone have any ideas for healthy snacks that will also help me reach my calorie goals? Thanks!



  • musicoflife08
    Oopss! Wrong title! Lol. :blushing:
  • cheangela
    cheangela Posts: 173
    Sugar snap peas and cherub tomatoes :-)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    -a glass of milk
    - handful of almonds
    -piece of fruit (average banana is 105 calories)
    -a piece of multigrain toast with peanut butter
    -apple slices and cheese slices (or whole wheat crackers and cheese/ apple slices with peanut butter)

    those are a few of my favourites.
  • msproducer
    msproducer Posts: 101 Member
    Protein bars, fruit, cottage cheese, yogurt, almonds....
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread. I use natural peanut butter, sugar free jelly and nature's own wheat bread..

    I also like to take pita bread and split in half (around) then into quarters (makes 8 chips). Spray with pam and sprinkle with cinnamon and splenda..bake on 350 for about 10 minutes..these taste like taco bell cinnamon twist.
  • MrsMedeiros
    Don't feel like everything you put in your mouth has to be a vegetable or mineral. Everything is moderation. I like baked cheetos (34 pieces for 130), costco's peanut butter filled pretzels (10 pieces for 140), and low calorie cereals with lof fat milk. Also if you are having trouble with cravings make sure you are drinking your daily water goal as well. it keeps you feeling full and your hunger pains just may be thirst in disguise.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    hand full of dry raw almonds, string cheese, crunch packs (apple slices with grapes sold at walmart in the produce section) something sweet could be a jello sugar free pudding cup (only 60 cals) there are so many to choose from.
  • musicoflife08
    Thanks guys! This was helpful! I'll be sure to fill my grocery cart with these items when I go to the store tonight! :)