

  • Good job! You look great!
  • Honey how can you be embarrassed?? You look FANTASTIC! Good job on the 20 lb loss.
  • I was having major problems with my shins and my calf on my left leg, hurting so bad the pain actually made me nauseous (sp) I thought maybe it was just because I was out of shape but the more I worked out the more intense the pain got. So I went out and bought a new pair of shoes (saucony's) and what a HUGE difference.…
  • I also use Silk Creamer, Vanilla and its so yummy I cannot honestly tell a difference. I love it
  • WOW! I am so sorry you had to go through all that and a "trainer" that has no medical training. I think you should make your community aware of the "trainers" name and make sure everyone knows he/she is a fraud. Good job on the healthy weight loss.
  • I have lost 11 lbs since jan 3rd but I have lost 4 pants size, I wanted to lose more weight yet that hasn't happened yet, you will lose the weight don't worry it will come off probably all at once and you will be shocked. Don't let it discourage you.
  • WOW!! WOW!! WOW!! You look FANTASTIC!! Good job on all your hard work.
  • I usually make a nice salad with either tuna or chicken and load up on the raw veggies I use Newman's Own Lighten Up Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing which i really like. Or I go to subway and get a 6inch subway club with most veggies and light mayo no oil and a diet coke.
  • You look amazing, and I love progression pictures they are more motivational than anything else. You have worked hard Congratulations.
  • If you do get the one with the removable plates, it's much much easier to clean.
  • A real bathing suit, nothing fancy just one I dont have to wear a baggy T-shirt over would be nice.
  • Mojito- A properly made Mojito has only 160 calories and 15 grams of sugar, and it is a tasty treat or a Bloody Mary- The classic Bloody Mary is only 150 calories and 10 grams of sugar. Or Rum and Diet Coke,
  • I am also very public an doften times I am sure my friends get annoyed or sick of hearing me talk about calories and how m uch weight I have lost or how my clothes don't fit anymore etc. But you know what I don't care because I am changing me and that's all that matters
  • I love salmon and if there is anything I know it is how to cook it so it doesn't make it dry. What I do is mix Plain Greek Yogurt just enough to cover the fish, with dill, salt, lemon juice and pepper. Make a foil bag and wrap it up inside. Cook on BBQ for 8 minutes. or in the oven for 10 minutes take out of the oven and…
  • Your weight loss is such an inspiration I love being able to see the pictures of progress. Thank you for sharing. You look great!
  • Once in a while I will get 2 tspn of semi sweet chocolate chips, I suck on them allowing them to melt in my mouth and It gets rid of that craving.
  • I have always had a problem with iron I can never get enough, I have taken Prenatal vitamins and yet never seem to get the right amount that my body needs. I am a blood donor and I had to stop donating for over 6 months because of low iron levels. Then someone told me about OVALTINE® Rich Chocolate Mix now I drink one 8 oz…