Anyone taking an iron supplement that could offer some advic

I'm trying to get back into a work out routine but I'm just generally run down. I have been ever since my daughter was born in July.

Now I know I'm most likely anemic since I rarely eat meat of any kind. I've had a few people tell me I should take an iron supplement, and then others tell me I should avoid it unless it's recommended by a physician. Now I have no health insurance to speak of so consulting a doctor is out. But everyone tells me it could really help with my energy level. Including my best friend who was feeling run down after having her son in June.

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone that takes it had their doctor specifically tell them to, or if people take it the same as a multivitamin...?


  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    i am severely iron deficient and was told by my doc to take iron, you can buy it cheap OTC so it wasn't really prescribed, just told how much to take... talk to the pharmacist :)
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Hi- I was anemic during pregnancy so my doctor said to take 2 iron pills daily and my daughter is almost 7months and I still take one iron pill daily and a prenatal just because I love my healthy hair and strong nails!

  • monoxidechick
    Well I haven't been to a doc about this, so all I can say is what I do. I bought some iron supplements a while ago, and barely ever took them, mostly because I forgot and didnt really worry about them. Now that I am tracking everything else, I like to take a look at my iron levels. As a vegetarian, my level of iron varies, so I base it off of my iron level in my diary. If I am low for the day, I will take an iron pill, if I seem to be doing close to the goal on here, then I skip if for the day. I also try to take them more often when it is TOM. This routine seems to help me feel better with a little more energy to get through things in the day. Good luck with figuring it out.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I am taking an iron supplement, but if you don't eat meat, I would also suggest a B12 supplement as well. My daughter was a vegan ( she eats meat now because she's pregnant) and they found that she had a B12 deficiency. Once she started her supplement she felt much better. She actually collapsed in her front yard, and the neighbors called an ambulance, and that's how they found she had a deficit.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I am a vegetarian, so I never eat meat, and I had low energy before I started taking a multi vitamin. I have come close to being anemic, but my doctor suggested I just take a women's one a day multivitamin every day, and it has helped immensely. I would suggest doing that so you also get B12 (which gives you energy) and other vitamins that you may not be getting, which could be adding to the run down feeling. It has definitely made a difference, even in a week, for me!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    If you do decide to take iron use SLOW Fe (slow iron) get a generic brand (just not regular iron tablets, they constipate and not all of it gets absorbed). You may also need a Big B complex (another reason you might be run down and another type of anieia).

    Good luck,hun!
  • Kris1974
    I have always had a problem with iron I can never get enough, I have taken Prenatal vitamins and yet never seem to get the right amount that my body needs. I am a blood donor and I had to stop donating for over 6 months because of low iron levels.
    Then someone told me about OVALTINE® Rich Chocolate Mix now I drink one 8 oz glass of this everyday. Not only do I feel better but its also a way to get my daily amount of vitamins in a low calorie yummy way.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I am taking an iron supplement, but if you don't eat meat, I would also suggest a B12 supplement as well. My daughter was a vegan ( she eats meat now because she's pregnant) and they found that she had a B12 deficiency. Once she started her supplement she felt much better. She actually collapsed in her front yard, and the neighbors called an ambulance, and that's how they found she had a deficit.

    I am sorry to hear about your daughter's collapse!! I have been having issues with seizures/fainting and doctor's have not been able to figure out what the problem is, however we believe it is from dehydration as I have been a lot better since I have been drinking a lot of water. But I was just wondering what her collapse was like, because maybe that could be a cause to my problems....
  • Tangy1966
    Tangy1966 Posts: 50 Member
    You can also add iron through your diet without meat...beans, dark leafy vegetables (kale, swiss chard, broccoli..etc),
    also spice your food with turmeric. Look up online iron rich foods. I would not let that go unchecked though. What good will
    you be to yourself and child without any energy. Anemia can be serious. My daughter takes feosol (prescribed by doctor) and they
    have helped. Good Luck!!