what do you bring for lunch?

I'm starting a new (normal) job in a week where I'll be working 10-6 (yay no more night shift!) so I was wondering if you guys had any healthy work-lunch suggestions. What do you guys usually eat for lunch when at work?


  • Kris1974
    I usually make a nice salad with either tuna or chicken and load up on the raw veggies I use Newman's Own Lighten Up Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing which i really like. Or I go to subway and get a 6inch subway club with most veggies and light mayo no oil and a diet coke.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I like to bring a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, and then some kind of raw vegetable or fruit on the side. I'll also sometimes bring leftovers if I have them. I know a lot of people will bring frozen meals, so that's always an option too (as long as you have access to a freezer).
  • rebrafe
    I bring a couple of snacks, such as almonds, boiled eggs, string cheese and/or yogurt - and I always pack a salad and a protein shake for my main meal.
  • crlujan
    I make myself a wrap. I use the 100 calorie wraps. A slice of low-fat provolone. One serving of turkey lunchmeat. A handful of broccoli-slaw (right outta the bag, no dressing/mayo). Some of those dehydrated, fried onions. Shake some Tapatio hot sauce on it. Stick it in the toaster oven. Delicious. And under 300 calories.

    I leave all of the stuff at work. I just put it together there. That way I don't have to lug my lunch in everyday.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I do slim fast, an apple, and baby carrots
  • staceywoo
    I make up a batch of soup on a weekend and bring a serving of that to heat up - yummy! I also bring a few pieces of fruit and some carrot sticks to munch on when I get hungry before lunch. I always find that having bread at lunchtime makes me sleep afterwards, and you get that dreaded 2-3pm slump! Soup or salad avoids this for me.
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    these all sound so yummy!! thanks so much guys :)
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I eat all kinds of different things for lunch. Soups, leftovers from dinner, sandwiches, etc. The ONE constant for me is that every afternoon as a snack I have a Deep Chocolate Vitatop. :love:
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    I started pairing protiens with carbs as a balance, and it's really helped. Something like Tuna on a salad. I try to avoid breads as carbs and eat veggies as carbs. They both turn to sugar, but you can eat A LOT more of the veggies than you can bread. And I LOVE bread...I eat it, but more sparingly now. I chew gum after lunch when I still want to snack. It's helped!
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I'm big on bring last night dinner for lunch the next day; they heat up really well. If I don't have that as an option will whip up a salad with fresh veggies and light dressing. Another go to favorite of mine is spaghettie squash and sauce. I cook up the squash, fork out the insides, and save for later. This makes for a quick prep when I'm running late for work. I also keep a stash of apples, oranges, pear, grape, etc on hand for a quick an easy snack. I haven't had a frozen meal in over 6 months; instead I keep a zip lock bag of oatmeal in my desk in case I forget my lunch, I then make it in the microwave. Cans of soup are another great option, just grab and go.
  • sarahnicolexoxo
    - Tuna on a sandwich thin with a yogurt

    - Lean cuisines or Healthy Choices - watch the sodium though!

    -Barilla Whole Grain pasta has no sodium and 2 oz is 200 calories. Make it the night before at home and bring some in for lunch and sprinkle parmesan cheese on top. I bring in leftover ground hamburger to put on top sometimes as well. No sauce.

    A lot of deli meats are high in sodium as well.

    - a salad is always nice but, watch the sodium and calories in some dressings!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Kangaroo Pita Pocket (90cal) with 2oz roasted turkey, spinach, red peppers, mustard and 11g of miracle whip light. Or I will make a salad with romaine lettuce and spinach, red & green peppers, onion, sunflower seeds & feta cheese.
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I usually bring a sandwich with some veggies, cheese and something sweet for dessert (Like a yogurt). I also always pack a snack for the morning and the afternoon. Usually a string cheese for the afternoon and a banana or orange for the morning.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    you can check out my diary for today if you want...i had to pack all meals except for breakfast to bring with me to school!