

  • Totally agree with everyone regarding the protein. I don't pay too much attention to it. This site however, has been invaluable for me - You can register for free and search all kinds of foods to analyse their fat, carb, etc info. eg sweet potato is heaps better than potato!!! Other excellent…
  • I'm looking for help!!!! I started MFP in the UK and lost 17kgs :happy: but now I'm back in Australia I've left my trusty treadmill behind and am finding a lot of the food labelling is in kilojoules. :grumble: I'm having problems trying to work out my calories and can't find the motivation to keep up my exercise. eg I ate…
  • :smile: Congratulations. You,re two days and two steps into the new you. I completely understand the dread of having photos taken. My son is nearly 3 and I have successfully avoided pictures at all cost but at the detriment of him having very few baby pics with his Mum. I have lost 37 pounds over a period of 12mths (22 of…
  • I'm in the UK. I always heat my plates with a couple of minutes in the oven.
  • For the past 18mths myy husband and I have been on a work/travel holiday with our son who is now nearly 3 (Oz/Asia/UK/Europe). He's been to about 14 different countries. Best tips I can give are 1. have the favourite toy/blanket close at hand 2. containers of snacks are invaluable (dried apricots, sultanas, biscuits) 3.…
  • I'm a primary teacher with a 3 year old son. Never forget the trusty internet. There are so many things on there to Google. Easter is a good one at the moment (religious preferences permitting!). Just make sure you include the word children or toddler in your search. Most of the brand names - Barbie, Wiggles, Thomas the…
  • If you're looking for something that feels a little naughty but isn't TOO bad you can sort through the crisps/chip aisle and find a few alternatives. Sainsburys do a Be Good to Yourself range of potato bites in different flavours that are about 70 cal for a 20g pack. I have found a similiar thing at ASDA and Weight…