

  • Definitely ask for a full neuropsych workup. I have a seizure disorder that can cause permanent brain damage, and I was terrified that I was incurably impaired. My neurologist ordered a neuropsych test and it was fantastic. Essentially, what I learned was that, yes, there is some damage but it's minor (mainly to do with…
  • I'm not that fond of sugar, so not qualified to speak to the addiction thing, but as to people offering it to you when they know you're trying to quit (which horribly enough does actually happen with cigarettes, booze, and drugs . . . sadly, I know this all too well). People know I don't really like sugar but they offer it…
  • Sounds like it's gym by gym? Mine has decent barbells . . . maybe because it's right next to a firehouse and a lot of the firefighters seem to work out there? So they kinda have to. That said, if you are a really serious power lifter, probably not the gym for you. I never see anyone using the weights machine at my gym…
  • I've had a few barriers like that that my body just doesn't want to break/ I thought I would *never* see a "6" in that spot . . . I was in the 170s for months, up and down up and down. On my doctor's advice, I changed my workout to 4 days of 1-hr cardio, 2 days of weight training, and a "free" day for yoga or another run…
  • Of course I'm totally saying "yay" to losing weight and being healthier, but . . . not sure where you live (yah I could have looked before hitting reply but didn't, whoops), here in San Francisco three are tons of hot zaftig goth girls in corset, sexy clothes, etc. Sure, sometimes I see some very large woman in a very…
  • Some neurological drugs can have a very real and debilitating effect on your metabolism--when I was on Depakote, my doctor told me I was going to gain up to 50 lbs. Which I did. They finally switched me to another drug and I'm slowly losing the weight. My husband was on Neurontin for about 2 weeks and had to stop taking it…
  • I'll go against the common wisdom and say, as long as you mix it up and do some non-cardio, I don't think it's necessary. Here's my routine, and my doctor has said it's okay (I'm training for a marathon and do need to be careful not to overtrain because one injury could wipe out my chances): Mon: Upper body strength or…
  • My doctor's general advice is eliminate all processed carbs and kick your cardio up to an hour a day. If you're already doing an hour or more, up the intensity. Always seems to work for me!
  • They may get smaller, but if you have a good figure to begin with, it'll all be in proportion. i looked like I had big(ish) boobs when I was skinny, and they were only a large B/small C. At my fattest they were a full D. Now that I'm losing weight, they're a full C. But I've always looked the same basic amount of curvy. So…
  • I make up a giant pot of beans of the weekend often, and freeze. Add veggies and a fat-free sauce and you have lunches for days! (I've been doing an Indian-influenced thing recently, with spinach and peas (frozen), curried tomato sauce, and fat-free feta.
  • I'm 5'8" 165, and I get about 1,300 (hard to recall because I exercise a lot, so mine varies daily accordingly). Weight loss will come more from eating right and exercise than rigid calorie counting (though of course that's important too since we all have a tendency to lie to ourselves about portions!) My doctor's basic…