

  • Thanks for the info! Started MFP almost 2 years ago with over 60 pounds to lose. Lost about 30 pounds and have maintained that lost for the last year. Like you, this second run at hitting my goal, I've been scratching my head to figure out how I can do it without being at the gym everyday (as was almost the case my first…
  • I'm 31 and I say almost all of these!!?!?! :-/ ...My bad... *I couldn't resist...
  • Thanks!! How much do you take a day? The kind I'm starting with is 1350 mg and says to take twice a day. I know it's not a magic pill by any stretch and I'll continue on with my eating well and exercising hard but I'm excited to see if it helps in addition to firm me up a little faster. [/quote] Well, I started taking that…
  • I believe it has helped me in my weight loss efforts. Granted, it took a while to start seeing results (I'd say about a good month or two) but I do take it consistently and have been for about a year now. I'd say that I've "firmed" up a lot - the best way I can describe it is it seems like the fat deposits in my stomach,…
  • WOWZA!!!! You look phenomenal! Thanks so much for posting pics to encourage/motivate us all! And to think I was going to skimp on exercise today! Thanks, ma'am :-)
  • Oh WOW! You don't even look like the same person!!! Way to go! I'm not as tall as you but I'm working on my last 20 lbs. or so. Down a total of 66lbs. from my very highest weight. Congrats to you on such a HUGE accomplishment! You look PHENOMENAL! :-)
  • WOWZERS!!! You look FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!!!!!! I, too, am 5'6" (well, really 5'5.5" :blushing: ) and at my heaviest was 260lbs! I've gone from a size 24 to size 14 (currently at 191 now)...Thank you for posting your pics! You should be so proud of yourself! You've definitely given me the motivation to keep it movin'!!!!…
  • You are RIGHT on! I "USED" to be one of those people - didn't like to sweat. Now, I don't feel like I've worked out UNLESS I sweat! I LOVE it! :-)
  • How nice of all of you. Someone mentioned my height - I'm not tall at all - 5'6"...I hear that often: "You don't look like you weigh..." Like my grandma would say, "My bones must be heavy." lol. Just kidding - thanks again for the compliments and encouraging words, y'all! It does help to keep me pushing through! Be blessed…
  • I'm right there with you! My short-term goal is 185 (I've put that on my ticker) but I'd like to maintain between 170-180 long term. I've always weighed more than I looked (and don't really ever remember being "slim" ...like, EVER), so I think I was comfortable around 170ish. Who knows, though. Once I get there, I'm sure…
  • WHOA NELLY! I NEED THIS TODAY (and EVERY DAY!) Thanks for posting!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!
  • You look ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Way to go! :-)
  • I have one and I LOVE it! It definitely keeps me motivated to get up and MOVE during the day! Like a previous poster said - it's definitely $100 well spent!
  • bump
  • Couldn't have said it better myself! Although I am conscious of when I'm not "clean eating", I simply try to eat less and better. That's about it. I've lost about 50 pounds since starting my lifestyle change and while it's begun to slow down a bit, I'm enjoying the freedom of watching my body (and mind) transform into a…
    in GAINED???? Comment by ajax03 May 2011
  • Such a great idea! I've lost 49 pounds since I started my lifestyle change and carried my son (who weighs 50 lbs.) upstairs just the other day. Whew! It was tough carrying him and I wondered, how in the heck did I carry this weight around with me all this time?
  • I literally LOL'd when I saw this. That describes me to a "T" !
  • LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing! :-)
  • Hey there! :-) I just got my FitBit this past weekend and am LOOOOOOOOVVVVVING it so far! I'm AJAX if you wanna look me up on Fitbit.com
  • I, too, was curious about the Bodybugg and researched it and the FitBit. I decided on the FitBit because of several reasons, two of which were the price (less $$ than the Bodybugg and the website is free) and I am really interested in how many calories I burn throughout the course of the day. I am a school teacher and walk…
  • Thanks for bringing us back to your topic... I'm no expert, but I had to increase my calories for about 3 weeks to get the scale moving again. It worked for me but it was a little scary, and seemingly counter-intuitive, to eat MORE to lose but it did work.
  • Bump...curious to see the responses
  • I just received my Fitbit today and was wondering the same thing. Thinking I'll just deduct my food (logged via MFP) from my FitBit device. How are you liking it so far? I've already made 3 extra trips upstairs just to see my activity flower grow :-)
  • **waving my hand in the air** ME, ME, ME!!! I got a little burned out, I guess you could say, and started to feel REALLY restricted. So, played around with my settings and increased my calories by about 500 or so for about 3 weeks. Funny thing is that I hardly ever ate those extra calories but something about just having…
    in Take a break? Comment by ajax03 May 2011
  • LOVE THIS! As I work on my lifestyle change, I'm extra careful of my word choice and how I respond to the compliments I receive (on my weight loss so far) around my 7-year old daughter. I know she watches me and just as we can pass along our love affair w/ food, we must be mindful to set good body image examples, too!…
  • I would agree with you. After about a three week stall, I increased my calories by 500 for three weeks and that seemed to jumpstart my weight loss again. So, I think there's something to the "eat more to lose" idea. Good for you!
  • 206 and counting..... :-) So close!!!! So close!!!! Good job everyone else!
  • Not sure if you've incorporated exercise into your lifestyle change but I LOVE sweets. Somehow, though, after working out consistently and seeing the scale move and inches disappear, THAT has been my biggest deterrent to not overindulge. Like somehow after a long workout, my brain tells me, "I know you're aren't going to…