Slipping Lately

Hi all, I've been using this app on my phone since Jan 2011 but I've never used the website until today. Need some words of wisdom here. I've been slipping on my calories due to baked goods. Lately I cant seem to resist. I need to gain some control. What do you all eat to avoid the sugary brownies and cookies?


  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    How bad do you want to lose weight / get fit?
  • Dieter11
    Dieter11 Posts: 2
    I was slipping lately too - hard to resist some of those baked goods. I actually started baking my own, but with whole wheat flour and Splenda - but just don't over do it. You can pretty much sub ww flour and splenda in any recipe. Last night I made something called "skinny pumpkin muffins" - 100 cals a piece plus with the whole wheat they're actually good for you. Recipe is in the Parade section of the paper.

    Hang in there.
  • katybecker
    I've worked my way down almost 30 lbs. I do want it bad and the fact that this app has helped me do is really pushing me to keep going. Well, that and the thought of wearing a bikini. :-)
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Not sure if you've incorporated exercise into your lifestyle change but I LOVE sweets. Somehow, though, after working out consistently and seeing the scale move and inches disappear, THAT has been my biggest deterrent to not overindulge. Like somehow after a long workout, my brain tells me, "I know you're aren't going to eat THAT, are you? C'mon! Let's eat something else instead..."

    Also, I don't really have anything that's "off limits." If I want to eat a brownie, I'll make room for it (i.e. exercise more or plan for it within my daily calorie goal). That way, I don't feel bad about anything I eat.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    If you want it, you have to work for it. Every decision that you make to put something in your mouth is yours and yours alone.

    That's all I got for "tough love" lol put the cookie down!

    I know it's not easy to resist temptaion, especially since you've lost quite a bit of weight it's easy to not make the best choices - but the fact of the matter is, untill you get to where you want to be - you need to be conscious of everything you are doing.......and when you get to your goal you can slip a bit.
  • lmdurst
    lmdurst Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is to eat healthy and to eat meals vs. mindlessly grazing (something I started when I turned 40). I do well in the morning and around lunch, when things are planned out. But in the afternoon, when I get home from work and before the kids come home, I find myself grazing - mainly on sweets.

    When jounalling, I have found out 2 things that bring on this mindless grazing. One is lack of sleep. In order to get in my workout, I get up at 4:30am (or try to as it tends to get harder the older I get) so by the time I get home from work I am actually tired vs hungry. To take care of this I give myself permission to lay down and take a 15-20 minute nap to refresh myself before the kids get home.

    The second thing that triggers mindless eating and sweet cravings for me is bordom. I get home around 1:30pm - with husband at work and the kids at school and the only thing staring me in the face is laundry to fold or something to clean which doesn't really interest me most of the time and I feel lost. It is those afternoons I try to get outdoors, take a little jog or walk or pick up my needlework. Most of the time I have to "give myself permission" to do these activities so I don't feel guilty or like I should be doing something else.

    While you are working hard on loosing weight or changing your lifestyle to a more healthier one, you have to be good to yourself. Take time out and enjoy life, find new things to do and have fun.