Take a break?

Does anyone else ever feel like, "UGH. I need to shut my mind off for a few days and stop obsessing about calories." I mean, I will keep eating healthily and keep my current exercise regimen, but sometimes I just feel so---irritated? controlled? by logging on and weighing the ounces and measuring the inches of my banana.


  • amymunn
    amymunn Posts: 115 Member
    go ahead. take a couple days off.everyone has! gotta keep ur sanity. lol just make sure you dont mess up and gain weight back! :]]
  • ShellBelle76
    I'm on a break myself right now. I'm doing fine even though I'm logging every single thing I eat.
    It gets overwhelming so I do have to take breaks from it.

    Good luck!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member

    Don't obsess about the calories. It's just a tool.

    Think about what you want, and why you're doing it. The tool is just a way to get there.

    Good luck - and don't stress out about this. The daily goals are great to shoot for, but if you don't make it under, no one's going to send you somewhere for absolution. It's just a day-to-day journey.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    **waving my hand in the air** ME, ME, ME!!!

    I got a little burned out, I guess you could say, and started to feel REALLY restricted. So, played around with my settings and increased my calories by about 500 or so for about 3 weeks. Funny thing is that I hardly ever ate those extra calories but something about just having the freedom (and not seeing RED/negative numbers) was so liberating for me. Gave me the incentive to come out of my MFP funk (and I think contributed to me breaking through a plateau.)