moguline Member


  • I've done the Jason Vale one just last week :) I didn't stick to the juices 100% - I just chose my 3 favourites for the day so I'd only have to make 2 different ones in the morning. :) It takes me about 10 minutes to make the juices in the morning, that includes cleaning the juicer afterwards so it's ready to go next time.…
  • I have two big metal flasks. I make 4 out of my 5 juices in the morning (normally 2 portions of two different ones), I find they go a bit funky if you make them the night before. Then I stick a few ice cubes in the flasks and go to work with them, keeps them nice and fresh. Then I make a fresh juice again for dinner. I…
  • hi, I use beets in my juices too. The key is to use them sparingly I think. I normally only put a small slice into a juice. A good thing to add to those juices is a slice of ginger and a nice wedge of lemon (without the piff of course) - it neutralises the taste quite well. But then again, I do like the taste of beets so…
    in Beets Comment by moguline July 2013
  • Hi Hope, great job losing 10lbs in your first week! :) Just keep trying your best. Eating small foods like ice-cream certainly isn't ideal, but it's still a hell of a lot better than eating a whole tub! ;) Every little change helps on the way to being healthier! I do eat some things in between as well if I get too hungry,…
  • Hi, I'm originally from Germany but been living in Liverpool for 5 years now and loving it. :) I've just recently gotten back into the whole MFP swing of things after losing 20 pounds last year and then putting them all back on... ahem... Anyway, feel free to friend request me :) Henni
    in Howdy Comment by moguline May 2013
  • Wow you look amazing! I cannot believe you are 83kgs, you look a lot lighter and very trim. Well done you!
  • I love caffeine, but caffeine doesn't love me back. I used to have a lot of coffee and black tea - we have a very fancy machine in work that makes Lattes, Cappuccinos etc etc, even caramel or Chocolate mint flavour! But then I found out that caffeine is the main trigger for my IBS and my life has been so much better since…
  • I use USN as well, I alternate Strawberry Cream and Chocolate Cream flavours. They both taste ok. Not the richest chocolate flavour but I guess that's intentional due to the "cream" bit. ;) I mainly use it because it's so cheap. You can buy it in Costco if you're a member - 2.28 kg, which is £72 on USN's own website, is…
  • I'm from Germany but have been living in Liverpool for over 4 years now. Feel free to add me. :)
    in North West Comment by moguline July 2012
  • haha, love this! I wish people would just say something like "muscle is denser than fat" - at least that makes sense. :)
  • Hi, I'm from Germany but have been living in Liverpool for the past 4 years. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I'm from Germany but have been living in the UK for almost 5 years - been living in Liverpool for 4 now. :) Feel free to add me!
  • I use the weightwatchers wraps, they're only 107 calories! They're a tad small but you can always have two. ;) I love using them as a pizza, putting a bit of humous, peppers, onions, celery and feta on them and sticking them in the oven - yum! And usually just over 300 cals!