jlmelton0509 Member


  • There is a Couch to 5 K app that I have heard is quite good. I haven't tried it yet, but I have it on my phone. It's hard to get out to jog when you have two small children and a husband that works out of state. :) I hope that helps! Good luck!
  • Hey y'all! I'm Jaimie and I'm from Hamlet, NC. I live in Fayetteville, NC. Hubby was in the Army and we just stayed when he got out. He now works up north in the oilfield. Anyways, I'm a SAHM to two, masters student, and looking to lose the baby weight from my son. MFP helped me to lose it from my first pregnancy, so I'm…
  • I know I'm like the last to post on this (LOL) but the one thing that has gotten me back on track is changing up the type of workout I was doing. You know I can't make it to a gym, so I'm trying out all these different DVD's at home. Also, I'm with Jo on your calorie intake. As busy as you are, you have to make sure to…
  • I've lost 23 lbs, which just happens to be the weight of my 2 yr old daughter. When I pick her up, it blows my mind that I used to carry that weight around all the time!
  • My oldest sister had thyroid cancer, my other sister has an underactive thyroid, so all my knowledge comes from their experiences. I know my sister with the underactive thyroid has weight problems due to her medicine. Maybe you should talk to your doctor. It would seem that if you are eating the way you should and working…
  • Welcome!! This place is great. I've found that the recipe feature is awesome. It's made me rethink how I do some of my recipies. My husband is from Louisiana and some of that Cajun food is definitely not good for you! LOL Good Luck!
  • Hi! I'm Jaimie from North Carolina. I had the soda addiction too. I had really bad headaches the first week or so. I still drink one to two sodas a day, but they are usually diet. I also drink about 10 cups of water a day to combat the soda. Welcome to MFP!!:smile:
  • Anywhere in Europe or in a tropical setting. Pretty much, anywhere besides North Carolina!
  • That is awesome!! It's amazing the difference! Keep it up!!
  • Thanks for all the info ya'll!!! :happy:
  • Yeah, the problem is that I live in NC and my husband, and all of our friends, are military. They pretty much eat/drink whatever they want. Their wives tend to be skinny too. In the city we live in, we don't have a Qdoba or Taco del Mar. We do have Salsaritas though.
  • I'm usually way to busy to get breakfast in the mornings, so I usually just eat a bowl of oatmeal. I've also heard that Dunkin Donuts has a good breakfast with low calories.
  • Thanks for all the info! The podcasts sound like a must. I have a blackberry so it would have to go on my iPod. :)
  • My husband is stationed at Ft. Bragg and there is always a 10 k or a 5 k going on around here. Where are you at in NC? Good to know that the program works. I like it on the basis that it's free and I don't need to buy any equipment! LOL
  • My husband is stationed at Ft. Bragg and there is always a 10 k or a 5 k going on around here. Where are you at in NC? Good to know that the program works. I like it on the basis that it's free and I don't need to buy any equipment! LOL
  • Welcome Steve! This site is really easy to use and the people on it are great too. Thanks to MFP, I've also become more aware of my sodium and sugar intake. Good luck!:smile:
  • I know I was hungry alot. I have found that drinking water can help curb that somewhat. Hope this helps! :)
  • I felt the exact same way at first. I still feel that way sometimes, to be honest. At first I thought that I wouldn't be able to eat a lot and that I'd be hungry all the time. But like the last two posts said, I took it one day at a time and almost a month later I feel like I have a pretty good handle on things. I think…
  • I need to lose 60 pounds and am already down 7 lbs! The people I have met so far on this site are awesome! We can do it!!
  • We have it and love it as well. If you have xbox live, we should play each other! :)
  • I spend about 75% of my work day at a desk. Try some special k multigrain crackers and a wedge of baby bell low fat cheese. You get like 24 crackers for 120 calories and I think a wedge of the cheese is 35 calories. I also like the campbells soup at hand vegetable beef. Only 70 calories!
  • I love the dance central. I almost bought the Zumba game, but another unit wife warned me off of it. If any of you have xbox live, we could battle each other! LOL