Week 3 and only gained

UGH....I'm so frustrated today. I am starting week 3 on M'FP and in the last 2 weeks I've gained 1.5lbs. What gives? I have been struggling to break past this plateau now for several years. I've had boughts with thyroid issues, radiation to kill off part of the thyroid, went back to my size prior to thyroid issues, then the doc said nope its still to high, so he gave me meds to stop it, silly me took them. Now I'm back where I was and then some. I'm so tired of feeling like I am failing at this stuff. I eat fairly healthy and I work out 4 to 5 times a week. The only thing I sometimes do not do is eat all those calories for the 1200 cal but, I do get close I may only be off by 100 or close to it on my work out days. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this normal?


  • jmondejar
    I have been there!

    You metion that you sometimes don;t make your calories, common issue for me as well. What is your protein goal? I have found that if you are making your calories, but not making your protein that is a bigger issue. My weight loss coach tells me that it is important to hit the protein, even if I go OVER the total calories.

    How did you get your goal markers? Are you using a formal diet program?

  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    It's entirely possible you need to be eating more. There are many many MANY people who have to bump their calories UP by 100-300 to break a plateau and start losing again. Maybe you should up them to 1300 or 1400 and see how that goes. It could be what you need to break it. Also, you might peek at your sodium levels.
  • jlmelton0509
    jlmelton0509 Posts: 38 Member
    My oldest sister had thyroid cancer, my other sister has an underactive thyroid, so all my knowledge comes from their experiences. I know my sister with the underactive thyroid has weight problems due to her medicine. Maybe you should talk to your doctor. It would seem that if you are eating the way you should and working out the way you should, your thyroid problems/medicine might be to blame. *Only speculating!!* Hope you figure out something soon!! And don't give up! :)
  • ChickenTuna
    ChickenTuna Posts: 24 Member
    Hang in there!! Take a look at what your calories are made of. When I eat my cals I try to stay low on carbs, sugar, & sodium. I try to stay high on protein & fiber. Everyone is different so try different things to see what works for you. Just don't give up!
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    HI there. Without knowing the specifics here are some thoughts:
    -Gaining 1.5 pounds. ON any given day, our weight can easily fluctuate 2 to 3 pounds. Slightly more water retained, different amounts of food still to be digested in gut and not "released", scale in slightly different place, different time of day weight taking, etc. Point is 1.5 pounds is nothing. I.e. I would not worry:)
    -Eating Fairly healthy: That can cover such a huge range of foods and eating styles. It so depends on your definition. Beef jerky might look healthy, (I love it) but the high salt makes it not so amazing. Some of those fibre bars (claiming to be good for you) are still more sugar and fat than any healthy bar has a right to be. So unless you really look at having lean meats, mostly unprocessed foods, tons of fresh veggies and fruits, you might not be eating as healthily as you think. I noticed to my chagrin that even small, small amounts of cheese back a wallop of calories and fat (being the processed food that they are). Sigh, I love cheese:) So unless you track it, tough to know if you over eat?
    Work out 4 to 5 times a week: It certainly sounds like a lot. What kind of exercises are those. Is your heart rate up? Are you sweating? Are you having a mix of cardio and resistance training? Or are these walks around the park/block at a leisurely stroll rate?
    Not sure if any of these thoughts are helpful. They are certainly not meant as criticism of any kind just some food for thought.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    If you make your diary public (under your settings) then others might be able to look at it and make specific suggestions. I know some of the biggest problems are sodium intake, measuring incorrectly, too high on processed carbs/processed foods, and too little water.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I've also been on top of everything, exercising, even joined a boot camp and eating as close to perfect as I can get, but I'm still gaining those lbs :x

    I'm fluctuating between 193-196 (yesterday I got on and weighted 197.8!!) I'm not really sure what to do over all, I want to blame the boot camp for being more strength oriented than I originally thought. So I'm gaining more muscle in the beginning than I am straight burning fat.

    I'm going to try and switch my food routine up, and exercising routine, add a lot more cardio than normal - then instead of eating 1200(if I don't exercise) I'm going to eat 1300. - I hope this will pull my body out of this hole.

    Good luck!!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    As crazy as it sounds you need to eat more and maybe rest from your workouts. Your body may be in starvation mode and holding onto water. Just a thought. Good luck:)
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    I agree with all of the above. Your body might be in starvation mode. The only reason I say that is because it happened to me. Once I started eating my exercise calories, I started loosing weight. This has happened to me a few times. Before MFP, I gained 30 pounds back from not eating enough. It sounds crazy, but, I know from experience. Please don't give up and you can add me as a friend for support. It does help!
  • jmondejar
    Without know you personal statics, it seems like you are NOT eating enough. Your calories should be higher, and you should have 30 - 35% of those calories be from protein.

    Imagine you body as a wood burning furnace. If you are eating a lot of small snacks/meals is like throwing Pine kindling, yes it burns and create heat but will quickly burn out. This is often remedied by eating more small snack/meals often. Keeping the fire going.

    If you increase your protein intake it is like adding hardwood to the fire. it burns hotter and longer, causing you to actually burn more calories, and you will last longer between snacks/meals.

    Hope this helps.........
