These stories are so inspiring. I am over 5'9" and consider myself to be large frame. My wrist is 6 3/4 in. I know when I was thinner, though, it was quite a bit smaller. Not sure how accurate the whole wrist size thing is considering some people (like me) do have fat Thanks for sharing everyone. I am…
Though I haven't used them lately, I love Lesle Sansone videos! I definitely got results from them, too. More endurance and strength in my arms and legs as well as core. Like others have said, though, you get out of it what you put in.
You look fabulous! Good work! You are an inspiration to me.
So many yummy sounding recipes!
We go every year here in Michigan. Good food, good times! Love it!
I am the same way! And you're right, nothing else will satisfy in that moment. I guess the best thing to do, though, is to not buy it and fight the cravings. They say it gets better and you don't crave it anymore. I have never really gotten to that point. Actually, In the past I have went for long periods of time without…
Well, I am 5' 9" so maybe shouldn't be replying, but I am aiming right now for 170 which would put me at a sz 12 if I am still the same after having 2 babies. I was once 155 or so and wore a sz 10 and that was great, too, but for now my goal is 170. Once I get there I will see if I wish to go lower.
Awesome job! Keep up the great work! :happy:
I love it! I think it looks great on you, color and all! Rock it, girl!!
OP, what are you basing your info on? Microwave ovens generally do not destroy nutrients in food. They cook faster and therefore actually retain more nutrients than cooking on the stove.
bump...great ideas here!
Wow! You seem very judgemenal! My diary is open, but I'm sure those who have it closed do so for their own personal reasons. I don't feel that it is your place to say whether other people open theirs or not! I say mind your own business!!
That sounds yummy!! I l ove Mexican, too, but not as spicy as you like it!
I'm into biceps....other peoples. Yours are fabulous!!!
Yes, Yoga is great for stretching!
There are a lot of different stretches you can do. Depends on which muscles you want to target. Hamstrings, quads, piriformis, and gastroc (calf) stretces for your legs would be good to increase flexibility for lower body. You can google them for pictures. They would be difficult to describe on here. Just be sure that you…
Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions! It's nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem. By the way, I don't cook 2 meals. Sometimes I cook one and he cooks another. I would not go as far as to cook 2 But he still puts stress on me by making me feel like it's a big deal at times for him to…
Thanks! I should start making some meals ahead of time. That would help me out! Good idea!
My parents never cursed around us growing up. I do curse around my kids sometimes, usually if I'm upset about something. My husband does it more frequently than I and my 4 year old has picked up some choice words that she uses at the funniest times. Like when I was searching for the remote and she found it under the covers…
I've been using the site for a couple of weeks now on a regular basis and I love it! It really helps me stay on track!