HI-I'm New


I just joined this site and hope that this works for me. I hope to hear from others about this site if it really works. I look forward to this new journey!



  • Hello!
    Im new as well.... this is my third day.... But Im loving it so far :D
  • Hi! Welcome to both of you! MFP helps make the journey fun and exciting, imo :)
  • I've been using the site for a couple of weeks now on a regular basis and I love it! It really helps me stay on track!
  • I've been using this site for a little over a month, and it's working great! Feel free to add me!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I've never done well with losing weight. This is easy, fun, and you can "see" the results. You can try out a meal on here before eating. You can pack your lunch for work and know the food you're taking will keep you on track. You can log in your exercise, no matter what it is, and see how it is working with your meal plans.

    Welcome to a change! I've not met any finer people that are continuously supportive!!! :)