Please stop microwaving your food



  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    But..but...but.... how will I heat up my lean cuisines twice a day?? :noway: :smile: At least I don't microwave my vitamins.

    I meant to quote you... :/
  • IntoQuestion
    Unless you can explain how accelerating molecules and therefore changing the structure of your food with one tool changes it more than doing it with another tool, I'll call this a myth. The only difference here is how fast is it done and which part is done first. You can overheat your food in the microwave more easily, sure, but then again you overheat the outside of you food on purpose in a frying pan.
  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    I suppose you think kettles are unnatural as well because it boils water too quickly?

    And of course a plant will die if you pour boiling water on it. =P

    I like my microwave but don't depend on it. Ovens make food taste yummier and crispier than microwaves anyway.
  • MaxlacusNight
    MaxlacusNight Posts: 44 Member
    The microwave works by sending 'micro wave's' through the food that you are heating up. All that these microwaves do is vibrate the water molecules inside the food. When the water molecules vibrate it causes friction or heat, to heat up your food.

    In regards to tap water vs. microwave water: Tap water has been filtered to removed harmful microorganisms and other foul things we don't like to think about. When it comes to us though, it is still full of minerals that are essential to a plants lively hood. When you are microwaving water you are likely breaking down these minerals, which is why the plant dies. Though it has water, it also needs other ingredients to make a healthy plant, just as you need to make a healthy body.

    If you compare this to food. Yes, you are going to break down some of the nutritional value when you use a microwave. But you do the same thing on a frying pan. No matter how you heat it, you are doing the same effects to it. If you really want to be bring in a scientific experiment, you should also be boiling the crap out of water on the stove and feeding it to a third plant. Right now, your scientific evidence is invalid.

    I rest my case.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't think so. Heating in general kills nutrients. I don't think cooking something in the oven is any better than cooking it in the microwave. (well, in terms of nutrition anyway)
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    Maybe your plant died because you put boiling water on it?
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    Thank you for the reminder... I have gotten lazy and depend on my microwave too much... Creepy, little, unnatural machines...
    Microwaves, in the electromagnetic sense, are quite natural. However, I think all machines are unnatural by definition of having to be built.

    That... is just plain weird... Saying microwaves are quite natural, lol. It inspires visions of cave men sitting around a fire and one of them having a lightbulb go off and rigging himself up a microwave, as if he feels stupid for not having thought of it before, naturally... :P

    In the 'natural' world, microwaves aren't even a cognizant thought, whereas fire and radiant heat are.

    Microwaves a creepy, I stand by my decision, lol.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Thank you OP. I needed a laugh. :laugh:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Like I understand not everyone can become a biologist, physicist etc but didn't you take biology and chemistry in high school?

    They didn't talk about this aspect at all.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Yawn. Complete and utter myth. Amazing what some people will believe.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    Maybe your plant died because you put boiling water on it?

    Lol, my thought too
  • jewelsc1
    jewelsc1 Posts: 26
    OP, what are you basing your info on? Microwave ovens generally do not destroy nutrients in food. They cook faster and therefore actually retain more nutrients than cooking on the stove.
  • Preacher224
    Preacher224 Posts: 44 Member
    While I do believe that microwaving food does corrupt the molecular structure of foods as it cooks. The following link is to You will see an experiment done by the author of the article and also the original article. Two entirely different results. The author even used three each of three different plants and identical heating utensils(which may have made the difference) as I also believe that just using plastics is also harmful to your health. That being said, I still use the microwave and I have an assortment of plastic cookware and storage containers, which I am going to replace with glass and stainless steel and iron as soon as the funds are available. I stopped using aluminum and teflon a long time ago.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I don't buy this.

    That being said there's absolutely no argument that food tastes 10x better when its reheated in a toaster oven or stovetop, if you have the time to slow down and enjoy a meal its definitely a better way to go.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    OK. So, now I'm confused. Which is it. Posts like these are Bullsh*t because no one just comes out with actual evidence as to the real truth and it's all just opinion.

    I haven't died yet, so I guess it's OK to reheat my food.
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    Maybe your plant died because you put boiling water on it?

    :laugh: I was wondering too.
  • rustythezippergirl
    you'd be better off tossing out your TV.

  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    Yawn. Complete and utter myth. Amazing what some people will believe.

    It's not a myth that microwaving vegetables breaks down the compounds/nutrients in your food.

    Cooking in general does that to your food. The less processed/cooked, the better. The most nutrient-void foods in our diets are the highly processed ones, I'm sure you've heard of this...

    The closer to 'alive' our food is, the better.

    Microwaves cook things faster, more and more thoroughly, which makes them less nutritious.

    "Yawn" to your ignorant and rude comment. Amazing what some people will say...
  • lusciousladie07
    lusciousladie07 Posts: 16 Member
    LOL... no I'm not trolling. And yes any heat denatures food. My point was the that microwaves heats up food so quickly to point that it becomes useless from nutritional standpoint. You get more nutrients out of food cooked slowly than microwaved food. And I said most nutrients not all.
    And if you can microwave food, why can't you microwave water?

    And the plant test.. we actually did this in H.S and I did it myself at home before I gave up microwaves and the water was cooled down before applying to the plant. I don't know anyone that would put hot water on a plant. Like everything in life.. to each their own and follow what you believe.

    I didn't start this thread to argue or anything like that by any means.
    I respect all your viewpoints as I hope you would respect mine.. even if you disagree.