Please stop microwaving your food



  • lusciousladie07
    lusciousladie07 Posts: 16 Member
    Wow.. truly.. I didn't mean for this to start a big argument or for people to be rude to others or myself. I completely fine if you disagree with me but there is no need to be disrespectful to me or anyone else.

    If you don't agree and love using the microwave.. then by all means...

    But why enter a thread to bash someone else? Why not just ignore and move on to something else that interests you?

    (I believe bashing and to disagree are two different things)
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    The microwaved water and plants thing is a total urban legend.

    Also, please don't microwave straight water. Unless you like boiling water to explode in your face.

    ANY type of heating destroys nutrients. Freezing destroys nutrients.

    I've been microwaving water for.... years. never an issue. maybe your microwave is on crack? Maybe you misread the directions? Nuked it too long? Never had anything blow up in my face.... weird.

    If you microwave pure water, it can get to a state called's well beyond the boiling point...but it has to be pure water....not tap water. This is not something you are normally going to have sitting around your house.
    Then, if you add something to that superheated water it will instantly boil over....almost to the point of "exploding in your face".

    yes. you are absolutely correct. but you'd have to be really stupid to microwave water for that long. which was my original point. Not sure if you read that part, the part of "misread the directions" and "nuked it too long"
    The longest i've ever nuke water is 5 mins. let it sit in there for 5 mins. best way to clean the microwave! :I use a pyrex measuring cup)

    but really, are people that stupid to cause an explosion?
  • PsycotikChicken
    This is utter nonsense.
  • Trojanlc75
    Trojanlc75 Posts: 12 Member
    Can I microwave my food if I am wearing my tinfoil hat?
  • dyskras
    dyskras Posts: 54
    The reason there are people unhappy with you is because of the way you started this thread.

    Mistake 1: Telling people what to do.
    Mistake 2: Telling people what to do based on something that isn't true
    Mistake 3: Changing your story.

    You can eat raw. But telling someone else what to do based on inaccuracies is asking for trouble.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Wow.. truly.. I didn't mean for this to start a big argument or for people to be rude to others or myself. I completely fine if you disagree with me but there is no need to be disrespectful to me or anyone else.

    If you don't agree and love using the microwave.. then by all means...

    But why enter a thread to bash someone else? Why not just ignore and move on to something else that interests you?

    (I believe bashing and to disagree are two different things)

    well, you're "on your soap box" as you said, and stating wrong information.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    Also, please don't microwave straight water. Unless you like boiling water to explode in your face.

    WTH? I heat up plain water all the time and I've never had an explosion. :laugh:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Thank you for the reminder... I have gotten lazy and depend on my microwave too much... Creepy, little, unnatural machines...
    Microwaves, in the electromagnetic sense, are quite natural. However, I think all machines are unnatural by definition of having to be built.

    That... is just plain weird... Saying microwaves are quite natural, lol. It inspires visions of cave men sitting around a fire and one of them having a lightbulb go off and rigging himself up a microwave, as if he feels stupid for not having thought of it before, naturally... :P

    In the 'natural' world, microwaves aren't even a cognizant thought, whereas fire and radiant heat are.

    Microwaves a creepy, I stand by my decision, lol.
    "Microwaves" and "microwave ovens" are two completely different things. Microwaves are naturally occurring (and artificially created) forms of radio waves. The sun emits plenty of microwaves, as do all stars.

    As for the original comment, absolutely untrue. Microwaves are non ionizing, they do not contain sufficient energy to chemically change a substance.

    As to why you don't boil water in a microwave, it's because water needs an agitation point for bubbles to form, microwaving does not allow that to happen, so water can superheat above the boiling point with no bubbling effect. As soon as you agitate the container (pick it up to remove it) it essentially explodes and boils over. That's why you should add a wooden skewer or chopstick while heating water in a microwave, as it gives the bubbles something to form against.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Can I microwave my food if I am wearing my tinfoil hat?

    Yes, but you can't talk on your cell phone at the same time or you will develop a tumor in your brain.
  • roguestates

    but really, are people that stupid to cause an explosion?

    I really, really would not underestimate some people's stupidity.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm not doing anything....I swear......*beep boop bop beep beep*
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    But how will I acquire radioactive super powers?
    Eat mobile phones.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I would microwave myself if i fit.
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    If possible... get a toaster oven or use the stove or regular oven.

    Unless you are like my colleagues who put bread in the toaster oven, set it on broil instead of toast, walk away, and ignore it until it not only catches on fire but makes the fire alarms to go off, other panicky co-workers to foolishly open the toaster oven door adding fuel to the fire and causing flames to shoot out , and and the department to be evacuated....then don't get a toaster oven. Stay away from them.
  • GCAsMom
    GCAsMom Posts: 120 Member
    Mythbusters did a thing about superheated water in the microwave. If I remember correctly, only pure water will superheat. Any tap water contains minerals and such that won't allow it to superheat.
  • Preacher224
    Preacher224 Posts: 44 Member
    Here's a pretty good article. This one says microwaves are bad. I bet with a little effort I can find one that says they are good. For me, the idea of super agitating the water molecules in foods thru the use of microwave magnetic radiation just doesn't sound healthy. Any more than using bulbs to tan with instead of the sun, which by the way is being proven to be healthier than was thought a few years ago. I get my Vitamin D as often as I can. But just as I do not take a dozen multi-vitamins a day, I do not spend hours in the sun without protection. However only a few minutes a day in a tanning booth/bed has been proven to cause cancer more rapidly than an equal amount of time in the sun. With no vitamin D benefits, unless I am mistaken. Bottom line, God made the sun, men made tanning equipment. God's way is better. God created the normal way of cooking with fire. Men want to speed up the process with machines. I believe the old fashioned way is healthier. And intend to start cooking with it more than I already do, which is quite alot. Enough for now. This is not intended to start a religious discussion, I am just stating my opinion. You have a right to your and a right to state it if you like. That is what is great about free speech.
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    Hmmmm, nonsense. What part of the water is the microwaving destroying exactly?

    There are numerous documentaries and studies on the structure of water and it's effects on biology. It blew my mind when I researched it. Water is a mystery we are just starting to understand.

    I got rid of my microwave a year ago and I don't miss it one bit :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Wow.. truly.. I didn't mean for this to start a big argument or for people to be rude to others or myself. I completely fine if you disagree with me but there is no need to be disrespectful to me or anyone else.

    If you don't agree and love using the microwave.. then by all means...

    But why enter a thread to bash someone else? Why not just ignore and move on to something else that interests you?

    (I believe bashing and to disagree are two different things)

    Because this is a discussion board and *gasp* we are discussing things.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    total b.s. come back with a real peer reviewed article supporting your argument. (peer reviewed means scientists substantiated such claims, not that it is agreeable hearsay by other MFP users)
  • smoffette
    smoffette Posts: 56 Member
    Study on the best way to cook vegetables! (and worst)