

  • Leave it running. Then work up to where you can do the whole workout without a break. Once you can do that, do the video for a week and move onto a new video. You'll feel more inspired and accomplished that way.
  • Perhaps it wasn't the inhaler that brought on the feeling of nausea, but the exercise. If you're not used to high intensity exercise, you may very we'll push yourself too hard and throw up
  • Partially agree. My thoughts are that the scale I'm using is off by about 5% based on a caliper measurement I had my PT do. It is, however, consistently off by about 5%, so it allows me to capture the general trend. I take morning measurements every day. They fluctuate a bit, but the overall trend line is what I'm looking…
  • Agree. Don't get me wrong. You seem really swell. Toss it up to you "being new to the lifestyle" :-P
  • I like the Aria scale from Fitbit. It might not be the most accurate device, but it is damn near consistent so long as you maintain near-steady sodium levels, amount of water you're drinking, and measure yourself the same time every day (I weigh myself daily in the morning, after I pee). The data points are good for me. I…
  • I understand that, Chelsie, but many of us who have come out as LGB a while ago cringe at hearing our innate capacity for sexual attraction and love referred to as an all-encompassing "lifestyle". It's a term that the conservative and/or religious right utilize more often than not to promote the "gays can change" idea. I…
  • Oh dear. Absolutely not this. Without proper supervision, people have gone to the hospital for doing crap like this. OP, you're 23. You're young enough where your current diet might not have resulted in any unrecoverable health consequences. Take baby steps for one meal or regular food item at a time - advice is to start…
  • This is not really the way to go. Sure, exercise is great, but right now you should focus on your food intake and quality. If your diary today is any indication of the food you're eating, you're consuming around 1500 calories a day. Depending on your weight and age, that might be putting your net calories (after walking…
  • You'll never be able to abandon junk food or your sugar/sweet addiction if you try to dump it all in one go while trying to lose weight. We only have so much willpower. It's about baby steps. First two baby steps I would suggest: 1. Log all of your food you eat in a day. No one on here is going to negatively judge you.…
  • Calling being bisexual a "lifestyle" might have put some people off. Your sexual orientation is not your lifestyle. You're on MFP. You are attempting to achieve an active lifestyle while, perhaps, living a middle-class lifestyle. Just food for thought. :-) Best of luck in your continued weight loss journey.
  • Wasn't planning on it. My problem when I first started losing weight was under eating. I started tracking my food and realized I was only consuming around 1000 calories a day of... well... not good food. With higher quality food, I am now consuming a net of 1200 to 1500 a day with about an hour of moderate to high…
  • How long since the stall? - About going on two weeks of diminished returns. Are you logging accurately? - As accurate as I am able. When logging, I also tend to overestimate on foods that I do not know or break down into rough estimates on ingredients for already prepared foods. For fitness goals, I am logging calories…
  • Yeah. I just did that. Since I started measuring two months ago, here is my data: 193lbs (138 lean, 54.4 fat, 28.3% bf) to today: 183 lbs (140 lean, 42.2 fat, 23.1% bf)
  • Under no circumstances should you do this. You know your body well enough to know that you're in pain and that it's not simply muscle strain from working out. If you continue to work out as you are when you are in this level of pain, you can seriously injure yourself, placing your fitness goals well off into the future…
  • "Do yourself a favor and get on some kind of beginner lifters barbell program. With the way you are working out now you are probably just spinning wheels. " You see, that doesn't interest me at all. And I'm not going to do anything fitness related that I don't enjoy doing. Right now, I'm working with a personal trainer…
  • k9, I'm not sure either. I do get it in, though. My routine is generally 35 - 40 minutes of moderate intensity on some piece of cardio equipment (six workouts on one machine, then switch to another machine). I walk to and from work twice a day. When I lift, I do biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, back OR glutes, legs, abs…
  • Try chilled fruit smoothies with a touch of protein powder.
  • Was vacationing in Taiwan once. http://adriansojourner.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/liulian.jpg Two words: Stinky fruit.
  • There's a reason why people were much skinnier before the 50's. When the American government started advising a low-fat over low-carb diet, the average weight of Americans drastically increased. Eating fat in a diet doesn't make one fat. Eating carbs, which digest quickly and get stored in fat cells because the energy…