

  • SW:146.8 W2:146 W3:145.6 W4:146 W5:145.8
  • SW:146.8 W2:146 W3:145.6 W4:146 I have been really bad this week. I stayed under on my calories for the most part, but I didn't do so great in the carbs, fat, sodium area. I was so lazy and didn't want to cook. Gotta get back at it, I need to keep the weight going down!
  • EC SW: 146.8 Week 2: 146 Week 3: 145.6 GW for the challenge: 140
  • Easter challenge SW: 146.8 CW: 146
  • Go to their websites and look up the calories in everything. I was a fast food junkie when I started this. I went onto the sites of the places I frequented most and made a cheat sheet for myself. Not only did this help me make a better decision about what I get if I get fast food, but it has also kept me away from it more.…
  • Well I'm going to attempt this again, didn't do so hot last time. I've been losing inches and going back and forth on the same two pounds. Hopefull I will do better for this challenge. Easter challenge starting weight: 146.8 Honestly, I will be happy if I can just get down to 140
  • It really doesn't take much to make me cry. Since having a kid, I cry at commercials :laugh: Beaches Marley & Me (my dog died yesterday and can't even think about watching this for awhile) Any movie based off a Nicholas Sparks book, somebody always dies For those of you that said My Sister's Keeper...the book made me cry…
  • You guys did awesome! I am still at 146.8, so that is only one pound lost for me throughout this. I have been messing around with my calories and upped them to TDEE -20% so I had gained a little doing that, but am back down to 146.8 again. I'm up for the next challenge (I think Easter would be good), hopefully I will have…
  • 5'6 Age:25 SW: 150 CW: 146.8 Goal: 130, but would love to be back to 125 I've been going back and forth on these same 2 pounds for a couple of weeks, but I upped my cals to TDEE -20% so my body is still trying to get used to that.
  • All great achievements require time - Maya Angelou
  • There are some things in Level 2 that are easier for me than level 1. Honestly, I think I prefer the walkout push ups, but I am not flexible enough to keep my legs straigth the whole time. The cardio really kicks my butt though. I really hate those oblique twist things, I haven't been able to get through them without…
  • It said with Katch-Mcardle (is that the one you use?) BMR is 1357 and TDEE minus 20% is 1635
  • Yes, it is more than BMR
  • TDEE minus 20%
  • Well, I don't have a HRM so I log it in under general circuit training for 20 minutes and for me, it gives me 177 calories burned. Without the HRM, I'm not sure if that is accurate or not, I know MFP estimates high.
  • And another for 30ds. I was extremely out of shape before starting it, hated working out, but I now look forward to it everyday. The first couple days I felt like I was going to die and I was so sore, but I kept with it. I am on day 3 of level 2 now. Make sure you take before pictures and measurements. You may see more…
  • You look great! I am on L2D3 today and I have been kind of discouraged since my scale has not moved, but I did take measurements and before pictures. After level one I have lost an inch in my waist, half an in in my hips, almost an inch in my arms and half an inch in my thighs. Can't wait to see my final results
  • Thank you!
  • For 30ds I have been logging it as 20 min under circuit training and it gives me 177 calories burned. I need to get a HRM, that is next on my list of things to get.
  • I start Level 2 today and after watching it to see what I'm in for, I'm scared :smile: I have only lost one pound, but I have lost an inch in my waist, 1/2 an inch in my hips, almost an inch in my arms, an inch in my chest and 1/2 an inch in my thighs so I guess I can't complain
  • SW 147.8 WK1 same WK2 146.8 I have only lost one pound which is rather frustrating. However, I just finished level one of 30ds yesterday and took my measurements again and I have lost one inch in my waist, 1/2 in in my hips, an inch in my chest, almost an inch in my arms, and 1/2 an inch in my thighs so I'm pretty happy…
  • Exactly what I thought! A couple=2, not 10!
  • Eating greens is a special treat, it makes long ears and great big feet. Sorry, this is what popped in my head when I read the title :smile:
  • I do Day 6 today and I am feeling so much better. I still had to stop and catch my breath a couple times yesterday but I can tell the difference in my edurance from day 1 and I am nowhere near as sore. After day 1 and 2 I felt like I was going to die. I have the hardest time with the first circuit of cardio for some…
  • I started 30ds and have gained as well. I think mine was from starting a new workout and my muscles retaining water. I had lost another pound and then after starting the workout, gained it back, plus another pound. On day 6 now and my weight has gone back down a little
  • I hate the side lunge!
  • Thanks so much for all the encouragement everyone! I am sticking with it for sure, it is getting easier everyday. This morning I was down a pound but that put me back at my starting weight, but I'm ok with that! I plan on taking my measurements at the end of every level and definitely can't wait to see the results there. I…
  • Well I am still at 147.8. On Saturday I was down a pound (146.6) and then started 30 Day Shred and my weight has gone up since starting that. I gained back the extra pound I lost, plus one more (148.6). I am assuming the weight gain has been from water retention with the new workout. This morning I was down a pound, but…
  • Very frustrating indeed. Guess we just have to keep at it!
  • Thanks!