Corismom Member


  • Perhaps there isn't a need for a "cleanse" but juicing is a great way to get nutrients that you may not be consuming in your diet. The documentary "Hungry for Change" has some great information on eating and juicing. Also see (Food Matters TV) for more information on juicing.
  • My husband and I are training for the 1/2 in OKC in April. :-) My first race.
  • me too!
  • I tried it for a week. Talk about gross. bad breath...yuck, watch your calories and work out...that is the trick. eat less and move more.
    in Dukan Diet Comment by Corismom May 2011
  • I would love to. We got to Disney world this year the day they ran the princess marathon in Feb. It will probaby be a while until we return to Disney World.
  • tried it for one week. lost 4 lbs right away, but the food was too restrictive--gained it all back. I have done well just restricting calories to 1200 and working out. That is working for me.
  • I don't, but I have a lot to thought, why exercise if you are just going to eat them back?
  • This is the most amazing site, and has given me so much motivation!! I love the food and exercise diary...and would use it for that alone...but then the message boards are such an amazing inspiration! Check out the success stories message board...that will give you all the motivation you need!
  • Here is a place that has some VERY helpful tips on fiber...
  • all the more reason for me to break down and buy some whey protein! These recipes sound delish! thanks for sharing.
  • I too have lost 13 lbs and it is A LOT...not a little, so give yourself some credit. CONGRATS!!!! Your pictures are amazing and I can really tell a difference. My husband and I took our "before" pictures tonight--even though I am down 13 lbs and he is down 24. Now I really wish we had taken pics when we started 5 weeks…
  • Tostitos makes a new multi-grain tortilla chip that is super satisfying.
  • I clicked on this post to read and there was an ad on the side that said "stop alcoholism now". Just thought that was ironic.
  • Go to and check out Jillian's jump start diet...she gives a variety of meals that balance out to be 1200 (more or less) if you skip the dessert. I have lost 11 lbs in 4 weeks. My hubby has lost almost 20.
  • 11...I had hyperemesis and actually lost in my first trimesters... I am just hit below my delivery day weight today! Boy does that feel good!
  • I wasn't saying it would make your pregnancy test come back positive guess I should have clarified that...if you drop the HCG on a pregnacy test stick, it should come back positive. Here is the news article:
  • If you want to know if your HCG is real...give it a pregnancy test...if the test comes back negative there isn't enough HCG to make a difference, and the reason you are losing weight is through the starvation of a 500 calorie diet, not the HCG.
  • Check out: My husband and I have been following this for three weeks, as well as working out at the gym. He has lost 17 lbs and I have lost 8. The foods are so filling, sometimes I find it hard to keep eating because I am not hungry, but I…
  • Dr. Ski Chilton, a guest on the Monday night webcasts recommends 25g of fiber a day for women, 35 a day for men. See
    in fiber Comment by Corismom January 2011