What to eat when you cant workout to burn calories?

I did this really stupid thing yesterday, and decided I was going to help my husband out and shovel the 8 inches of snow we had in our driveway (mini parking lot more like it!!), and now I am paying for it big time. It took me 2 1/2 hours to shovel and needless to say I am so sore it hurts to move. I am only allowed 1,200 calories a day at the very most as I am told by my doctor. I really don't think I will be able to get in any excersise at all today so the question is, what do I eat for the day and still stay under or at my calorie goal? Any suggestions and help will be greatly appreciated!!


  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Well dinner I would do a grilled chicken, tons of vegetable and maybe mashed potatoes (could do in 500 cals or less), lunch mabe some homemade tuna (135 cals) on a piece of wheat bread (100 cals), snacks are easy fresh fruit ( 100 cals or less) and you still may have some cals to play with .....

    8 inches of snow sounds like your somewhere near me .... Im in VA and have been off of work since tuesday because of the snow ... UGH!!!!
  • Corismom
    Corismom Posts: 23 Member
    Go to self.com and check out Jillian's jump start diet...she gives a variety of meals that balance out to be 1200 (more or less) if you skip the dessert.


    I have lost 11 lbs in 4 weeks. My hubby has lost almost 20.
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    Did you put this in your MFP for exercise? Cause you burn calories while shoveling, I would think that would count as your exercise since its not something you do in your daily routine. After you add your exercise you will be allowed calories back this website puts you at the minimal amount and after exercise allows you to eat calories back.
  • Smays1208
    Smays1208 Posts: 15 Member
    This is a good question, after working out for 11 days stright today I'm taking the 1 day off for recovery. I would like to know what folks have to say as well.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    Did you put this in your MFP for exercise? Cause you burn calories while shoveling, I would think that would count as your exercise since its not something you do in your daily routine. After you add your exercise you will be allowed calories back this website puts you at the minimal amount and after exercise allows you to eat calories back.

    yah what she said
  • Smays1208
    Smays1208 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a good meal that is filling and low in fat and calories. Baked Talapia with a little lemon pepper, wild brown rice and tons of veggies this is a meal that is under 300 calories.:smile:
  • chunk3y_m0nk3y
    Thank you so much for the ideas. I shoveled yesterday and I am def paying for it today. Yes I put it in as excersise yesterday and it put me way over my daily calorie burn mark. I just dont want my 1 day of rest to mess up my routine and throw me off track. I ate a small salad with very little light italian dressing so Im good to go till dinner. I will take all your ideas and see what I can come up with for dinner. Once again Thank You!!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm on 1200 when I don't exercise. I try for around 200 for breakfast (usually a couple of hard boiled eggs and either a bit of fruit or some form of lower calorie bread (maybe a tortilla?) I do 300 calories for lunch -- usually a broiled chicken sandwich or a huge salad with lots of veggies and some protein or chicken salad wraps (I use Laughing cow or cream cheese instead of mayo, but you could use cottage cheese or greek yogurt if you like that kind of stuff). I use around 250 for snacks throughout the day so I'm not ravenous -- 15 almonds is around 100, an apple or pear is around 80 and a low-fat pudding cup (or something similar) for the other 70 (maybe some cheese & whole wheat crackers, etc). That leaves me 450 for dinner, which is around 4oz of protein (chicken, lean steak, etc), a buttload of steamed veggies and a salad to start off (usually caeser with no cheese, croutons or bacon -- just romaine with a bit of dressing and some lemon). I will usually try to get a half hour walk in though so I can get an extra 100 calories for dessert (or a bit more meat/whole wheat pasta!!)
  • hollyshobbies
    you could make the biggest losers black bean soup... i made it for the first time last night and it kind of tastes like chili, only 102 calories per serving and it was surprisingly really filling!
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    Here are a three of my favorite low-calorie recipes. All three are super easy, super satisfying, and under or close to 300 calories.

    Butternut and Acorn Squash Soup


    Garden Vegetable Soup
    (For even cheaper and easier, I replace some of the fresh veggies with canned or frozen.)


    Hearty Seafood Stew
    (We use the cheaper frozen seafood for this recipe. No need for super expensive cuts of fresh fish when it's just going into a big ol' stew pot!)


    Hope these help!