jcc4 Member


  • At some point you make the decision that your goal of getting healthy is more important than offending someone. We go over to dinner at my in-laws fairly regularly and my MIL is a great cook but she uses more butter and oil than I could eat. So.. I started packing my meals. At first everyone thought I was crazy or being…
  • Nice to meet you! Hopefully we can support each other on this journey!
  • Lost weight.. Fell off the wagon and gained it back.. Hitting my stride once again but could use some friends and motivation!
  • I'm not seeing the "edit" option. Maybe because I am on a tablet?
  • It all comes down to calories but I've never known anyone to get fat from eating to many fresh fruits and veggies.
  • I don't think you can... at least, I have never been able to figure out how to do it..
  • I thought your heart rate increases in high humidity outside becuase there is less oxygen available; therefore, your body (heart) has to work hader to supply said oxygen to your muscles/organs. That increase in work comes with an increase in calories burned.
  • Why? There is only a one word difference between the two sentences. I've yo-yo'd up and down for years and when I go back to see my family that I haven't seen in a while I fully expect them to say whether I have gained or lost (if it is that noticable). They are just speaking facts, how I interpret that and how their words…
  • Context matters and people, in general, are not sensitive to how their comments will be intrepreted. 1. Wow, you've lost a lot of weight! 2. Wow, you've gained a lot of weight! Are these two comments the same? Should one be intrepreted as rude and the other not?
  • Mine is very very basic. Ripe avacado (1-2 avacados) Fresh Lime juice (1/2 a lime) garlic powder (to taste) (1/8-1/4 tsp? - not sure never really measured just put a few dashes/sprinkles) Season all (or Lawry's Seasoned Salt) (to taste) (1/8-1/4 tsp? - not sure never really measured just put a few dashes/sprinkles) A dash…
  • There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
  • Lets not do this again.... Seriously....
    in RAW PROTEIN Comment by jcc4 March 2013
  • I haven't been in several years but Leclade's landing downtown had a lot of little joints to eat at. Nothin to die for but the atmosphere was nice.
  • You are my HERO. I am going to try this tonight when I get home!
  • Try eating the almonds and then drink at least 12 oz of water. The water will help with the initial "hunger" and the protein, fat, and fiber from the almonds should take care of the rest.
  • I am the same way.. if it comes down to savory or sweet.. bacon wins every time! If you've got the craving try some light popcorn (of course air-popped is better) or some cheese mozarella or 2% sharp cheddar, nuts work well too. I have switched to unsalted and raw nuts but lightly salted almonds would be a good choice as…
  • Anything you want... Each night I pack my meals for the next day (including breakfast) . The next morning all I have to do is zap it in the microwave and presto! gtg.
  • I'm 246 and I average about 350-400 calories on the tread for 30 minutes at 6.0 (10 min mile).. There is no way you are burning 800 calories walking @ 2.9 for an hour. If your really serious about being as accurate as possible (+/- 100 calories) you'll get over the strap issue and use an HRM.
  • James 70 lbs since 2011 ~ 50 lbs left to go Pick things up and put them down!
    in Roll Call! Comment by jcc4 March 2013
  • ^^^^^ this.... is what it takes... Congrats girl on all your success... Keep on truckin!!
  • Mine is open.. I respect the ppl that have theirs closed but I look at it this way.. My wife sees what I eat, my children see what I eat, my coworkers see what I eat... Why would I be worried about what strangers think? Unless you are "sneak eating," which is something I used to do, and then you don't want ANYONE to see…
  • It is probably just water retention from too much salt or sugar in your diet. It is highly unlikely that you gained 3 lbs in two days.
  • I just checked out the FT-80 because I had not heard of one optimized for strength training but what it says is that: "The Polar Strength Training mode, meanwhile, helps you optimize your strength training by reading your heart rate and informing you when your body is ready for the next set--an ideal way to optimize your…
  • Heart rate monitors really aren't good for measuing exertion during anaerobic excercise (strength training) they overestimate how many calories are burned.. t That said.. if you wear a HRM you can always put down the number of calories burned in the notes section or you can create your own "cardio" exercise and call it…
  • I've even gone as far as to pack a salad with chicken!! I just put the dressing in one of those plastic 3 oz containers they sell to pack your shampoo and stuff in when you are flying. :smile:
  • I can't say enough about the benefits of a good personal trainer. I lost 70 lbs with the help of a great one. No matter how much you think you know, they can show you more. How to vary your exercise so that you don't get bored, break through a plateaua, or keep working out when you have an injury, They can show you how to…
  • I've noticed a 3-4 lb fluctuation.. Sometimes it is more if I haven't been eating as clean as I should have....