Elise1395 Member


  • I totally read your post wrong. Hm. It might be the kind of food that you eat? What is a "good breakfast" to you? Maybe you should eat something heavier in the AM and the tea after? Idk. You didn't mention how far apart your breakfast and tea were. This is puzzling! I only get jittery if I lack sleep (like cramming all…
  • I would say that you could...but just make sure you also log it into your diary to list calories, sugars, etc.
  • I think that too much of everything is always a bad thing....for me personally, salt has been a big factor in my weight loss. After cutting out frozen meals (which have TONS of salt), I dropped 5 lbs very quickly.
  • Haha, hsinster and me keep posting the same thing at the same time!! :) But the 5-star reviews are definitely accurate; it's really really delicious. When I first got it, I expected it to have a very strong, vinegar-y flavor. However, it's almost sweet, and has a little less bite than cheap brands....it's hard to explain…
  • Yup, that's the one! I actually have it at home right now. When I read this post, I went to look at the brand name, and at the top of the bottle it said "Olivier". But, I bet this is just a Williams-Sonoma exclusive brand, not a commercial one.
  • My favorite is Olivier's 25-Year Barrel-Aged Balsamic vinegar, which you can get at Williams-Sonoma. It is very pricey, but the flavor is robust and delicious! As a side note: real, authentic balsamic vinegar has to be aged at least 12 years.
  • Also, when you first start MFP, is the initial weight loss you have mostly water weight? Is this the case in any diet you begin? It seems like I've heard this somewhere before.
  • That's true...I'm definitely going to pay more attention to my sodium intake and cut out frozen meals. Even though they're handy to have, they're really just empty calories with tons of salt. Goodbye, Lean Cuisine!
  • I just looked back at my food diary and realized that I DID take in a lot of sodium. Most of it came from those Lean Cuisine meals! I'm definitely going to take those out of my diet now!
  • Haha, sounds just like me! Thanks for the good ideas! I like the one about weighing yourself on Monday instead.
  • LOVE: Reduced Fat Cheese Puffs Their shopping bags! White Cheddar Popcorn Edamame Beans LOSS: The Trader Joe's Store! The closest one is two hours away! :( I've only been three times, but I love them soooo much.
  • Yeah, she's definitely wrong...
  • Try PG Tips!! Great black tea from England, really good robust flavor. :)