

  • of course there are many options when it come to breakfast its great that you already consume something with high energy but having a variety of choices always helps and makes the eating plan less militant and boring. here are some options you could choose ( if you have any allergies to these my apologies ) Waffles with…
  • of course that makes total sense. but what you consume all depends on what time your training so provide me with some more info... what you do how long for and what time.. also what is your final goal in terms of health and fitness
  • I believe any form of movement can be classified as an exercise although the effectiveness is another thing. Movement burns calorie so if your think about it your up walking around the house moving your arm working on the arm and legs also some stretches may be out into the mix. But overall is it an exercise .. It contain…
  • Sorry my apologies for grammar I am just replying on her quickly via my phone but that's not even the issue you guys
  • hey whats up no need to be suspicious there is no one forcing you to sign anything is there ??? so your constantly gaining week after week which isn't uncommon but the issue is understanding why this is happening? i cant just give u the answer cause i don't know exactly why but whatever it is it has to do with the food and…
  • i didn't get what u meant i never said you can get anywhere with just diet i said you need all 3... meaning you need the right state of mind, a good eating plan and finally exercise.. this goes for both male and female weather you want to build muscle or lose weight and tone up ( maybe u did not understand )
  • your all suspicious simple due to you people only working for profit remember if you love something why not share it i already get paid so income is not a problem this is not for doubtful people so if you don't believe me thats fine I'm not going to try to convince you!!! I'm on on here just to support people if you don't…
  • I'm not selling anything so don't get the wrong idea I'm giving advice and support.. did you see my put up any prices or anything ?? this is for anyone who needs support and guidance lets make a change this year and look great for summer 2013
  • well whats your goals you should understnd at your age its important to start off at a easy level and work your way up there no point putting your body under pressure. before i can give you some advice theres so many questions to ask age, weight, height, clothing size, target weight, target size, fitness level, ocupation…
  • your never too fat for a trainer the issue is you have never had a good trainer ... no matter what you do its important to know your limits and that trainer should understand that you can do whatever you like remember ever the smallest step forward is still a step in the right direction.. so if you start off with 2 minutes…
  • the best thing to do would be to work within your limits although you so suffer from allergies there are medicine to counter and assist you through it. so for anyone its important to get good workout other wise results wont come, what you need to do is find out your limit so as you said you can barely do 20 minutes so 20…
  • hello all now this is such a problem to most they just cant seem to do it .... why is it so hard there are 3 part you need to understand when trying to be fit. 1) Training 2) Nutrition 3) Mentality without all 3 you wont be able to succeed for all those who have trouble send a post my Adrian a personal trainer and if you…
  • hello its nice to see so many people interested in fixing their body and fitness I'm adrian a personal trainer and if u want i can provide you with a great program which will leave you amazed and happy afterwards if you can look yourself in the mirror and decide you want to change then i will make that happen lets get fit…
  • hello its nice to see so many people interested in fixing their body and fitness I'm adrian a personal trainer and if u want i can provide you with a great program which will leave you amazed and happy afterwards if you can look yourself in the mirror and decide you want to change then i will make that happen lets get fit…
  • whats up nice to see your getting back into fitness this is a great start im willing to give u loads of advice and guidance my name is Adrian and im a Personal Trainer if your serious about this i will give u the best progrm with guarenteed results add me and keep up this positivity
  • i think what your doing is great if you want i will guide you all the way to the end my name is adrian and i signed up to this side to network with people like you to support and guide im a personal trainer and i guarantee if you listen t me and follow my guidelines you will get there keep in touch and keep positive