Need help with nutrition and exercise?

Hey guys I've just registered here I'm a personal trainer

I understand how hard it is to diet and exercise

Why don't you share your feelings on this lets do it this summer 2013

Look Good.... Feel Good


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Got any experience helping people push through Spring and Summer exercise in spite of severe allergies and/or mild asthma? I'm sick as a dog most of the year (I live in the Southeast) and for years have only had any energy in Winter.

    Even though I have an air-conditioned gym, by the time I get there I'm so drained I can barely handle a twenty minute workout.
  • AdrianPT
    the best thing to do would be to work within your limits
    although you so suffer from allergies there are medicine to counter and assist you through it.

    so for anyone its important to get good workout other wise results wont come, what you need to do is find out your limit so as you said you can barely do 20 minutes so 20 minutes it is, you could train 20 minutes twice a day an repeat that 4 times a week..

    don't get discouraged whatever the case I'm sure if you keep trying to work with your body the results will come
  • RobynMcGregor
    okay, suggest away for a couch potato just turned 60 years young female who has an elliptical trainer in the lounge in front of the TV, loves food - all food and gets bored going to the gym so no longer has a membership. Lost 10 Kgs without exercising but have reached a plateau. ( I can manage a 5 Km walk without any difficulty and machine only killed me first time I used it at too high a level for 30 mins)
  • RobynMcGregor
    Sorry if you don't get the metric measurements etc. New Zealand is metric not Imperial in its measurements and weights as well as it's money.
  • AdrianPT
    well whats your goals you should understnd at your age its important to start off at a easy level and work your way up there no point putting your body under pressure.

    before i can give you some advice theres so many questions to ask

    age, weight, height, clothing size, target weight, target size, fitness level, ocupation type (office based), lthe ast time you exercised properly. you should try my 90 day program its free i think what you definetly need is upport when it comes to the gym why not register to AR Motiv and i could possibly give you some online web cam sessions