Anyone in need of help when it comes to exercise and diet

whats up guys i have just recently signed up to this amazing site. its full of support which is great but be careful on the advice your given.

this is for anyone who needs to get started this year and get that amazing body for summer 2013 as you all should know fitness has 3 main elements

1. exercise 2. nutrition 3. mentality..... you need them all so don't feel by focusing on your diet you will get somewhere or by going endless hours in the gym you will get there we need to incorporate all three.

lets do it this 2013 take part in my fitness and weight loss program or for the guys do the body building program. transform your body in 3 to 4 months and the best thing about it is after the completion of the program you will be able to keep it off so easily... go for it

anyone 18 to 45 i would reccommend


  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    your post sounds like you're selling something. you don't work in advertising do you?
  • AdrianPT
    I'm not selling anything so don't get the wrong idea I'm giving advice and support.. did you see my put up any prices or anything ??

    this is for anyone who needs support and guidance lets make a change this year and look great for summer 2013
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I was suspicious too. Can't understand why anyone who gets paid for this is prepared to do it for free.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I'm a little suspicious, but also don't know why I have gain week after week.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    whats up guys i have just recently signed up to this amazing site. its full of support which is great but be careful on the advice your given.

    this is for anyone who needs to get started this year and get that amazing body for summer 2013 as you all should know fitness has 3 main elements

    1. exercise 2. nutrition 3. mentality..... you need them all so don't feel by focusing on your diet you will get somewhere or by going endless hours in the gym you will get there we need to incorporate all three.

    lets do it this 2013 take part in my fitness and weight loss program or for the guys do the body building program. transform your body in 3 to 4 months and the best thing about it is after the completion of the program you will be able to keep it off so easily... go for it

    anyone 18 to 45 i would reccommend

    Let me get this straight. Lifting just for guys, and you can't get anywhere through diet alone?

    ¡Ay, carumba! Sorry, bro. Major fail.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member


    I'm an English teacher, I get paid to teach English every day. I love English. Do I love it enough that I come home and continue to teach English for free all night? Nope. I smell something rotten.
  • AdrianPT
    your all suspicious simple due to you people only working for profit remember if you love something why not share it

    i already get paid so income is not a problem this is not for doubtful people so if you don't believe me thats fine I'm not going to try to convince you!!!

    I'm on on here just to support people if you don't want the help its fine I'm quite offended with these previous post because i love fitness so much i want to share it with everyone

    i don't understand when its hard to be fit and believe everyone can get healthy, look great and feel great :)

    anyone who needs advice just ask
  • AdrianPT
    whats up guys i have just recently signed up to this amazing site. its full of support which is great but be careful on the advice your given.

    this is for anyone who needs to get started this year and get that amazing body for summer 2013 as you all should know fitness has 3 main elements

    1. exercise 2. nutrition 3. mentality..... you need them all so don't feel by focusing on your diet you will get somewhere or by going endless hours in the gym you will get there we need to incorporate all three.

    lets do it this 2013 take part in my fitness and weight loss program or for the guys do the body building program. transform your body in 3 to 4 months and the best thing about it is after the completion of the program you will be able to keep it off so easily... go for it

    anyone 18 to 45 i would reccommend

    Let me get this straight. Lifting just for guys, and you can't get anywhere through diet alone?

    ¡Ay, carumba! Sorry, bro. Major fail.

    i didn't get what u meant i never said you can get anywhere with just diet i said you need all 3... meaning you need the right state of mind, a good eating plan and finally exercise.. this goes for both male and female weather you want to build muscle or lose weight and tone up ( maybe u did not understand )
  • AdrianPT
    I'm a little suspicious, but also don't know why I have gain week after week.

    hey whats up no need to be suspicious there is no one forcing you to sign anything is there ???

    so your constantly gaining week after week which isn't uncommon but the issue is understanding why this is happening?

    i cant just give u the answer cause i don't know exactly why but whatever it is it has to do with the food and liquids your consuming

    are you doing any form of exercise ( even basic walking)
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    you should be able to see eveything I do.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Correctly using capitalization is a great thing..
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Correctly using capitalization is a great thing..
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    i hav a queschun
    when i do exersiz i feel soar afterword
    is this normul ???
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    you need them all so don't feel by focusing on your diet you will get somewhere or by going endless hours in the gym you will get there we need to incorporate all three.

    take part in my fitness and weight loss program or for the guys do the body building program.

    Let me get this straight. Lifting just for guys, and you can't get anywhere through diet alone?

    ¡Ay, carumba! Sorry, bro. Major fail.

    i didn't get what u meant i never said you can get anywhere with just diet i said you need all 3... meaning you need the right state of mind, a good eating plan and finally exercise.. this goes for both male and female weather you want to build muscle or lose weight and tone up ( maybe u did not understand )

    I am quite certain I didn't understand. It sounds as though you are saying you cannot get anywhere with diet alone, which is actually untrue. I am a huge advocate of working out, but I am also a fan of the truth. You can see *some* results by just changing your caloric intake and changing distribution of your macros. I wouldn't try it that way, but it can be done.

    You also said your "body building program" is just for the guys. Girls around here do cutting/bulking cycles, too. Helpful suggestion===> Look around the forums a bit first and get to know your audience.

    Nice of you to offer to help people free of charge, though!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Okey dokey! Thanks, pal! :flowerforyou:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    This is untrue, as you know men and women Are not the same now I'm not sure what women I know would want to gain muscles and look like a man. Unless your a lesbian which is fine by me there are certain different programs. Women need to increase their muscle to but do it in a way they can keep their feminine shape.

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is not going to go well from here on out.

    Oh, and you are a fcuking idiot for saying women must be lesbians to want muscles.. Good luck with that on here.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    To the OP:

    You're comment about women and muscles is dumber than dumb.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    This is untrue, as you know men and women Are not the same now I'm not sure what women I know would want to gain muscles and look like a man. Unless your a lesbian which is fine by me there are certain different programs. Women need to increase their muscle to but do it in a way they can keep their feminine shape. So they would do do the body toning program allowing them to gain muscle while sculpting their body. You don't know as much as you think. if you read what I wrote it said you need all three aspects of fitness training nutrition and a good state of mind. I have specific program's for specific people as you know everyone is not the same so there is no such thing as a universal program. This is going way off track so forget about it.

    Read this carefully everyone editing can show results ink know that and also so can only working out but that's not what I'm saying it is important to be healthy overall if you want that then these program's are for you they are simply and will change your life forever.

    NO Quick Fixes here ( but still the program's are quick as only takes 2 to 5 months)

    I'm a woman - I want to gain muscles - I am not a lesbian. Your logic is flawed, you don't know as much as YOU think and you're very disrespectful.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    This is untrue, as you know men and women Are not the same now I'm not sure what women I know would want to gain muscles and look like a man. Unless your a lesbian which is fine by me there are certain different programs. Women need to increase their muscle to but do it in a way they can keep their feminine shape. So they would do do the body toning program allowing them to gain muscle while sculpting their body. You don't know as much as you think. if you read what I wrote it said you need all three aspects of fitness training nutrition and a good state of mind. I have specific program's for specific people as you know everyone is not the same so there is no such thing as a universal program. This is going way off track so forget about it.

    :noway: what?? I think a LOT of people actually a LOT of women on my FL know more than you seem to...
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