

  • yes, I follow a paleo diet so usually my workouts consists of chasing down deer because I live in the heart of mule deer country. Sometimes i mix it up and wrestle cows and hogs.
  • Dairy will make your skin break out so maybe you should try limiting that in your diet (if you're not already). I wash my face with a honey, brown sugar, and olive oil mixture and it really helps. Also apple cider vinegar has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, but it is an acid so you should try diluting it with…
  • The purpose is to maintain mental sanity so you stay on track and don't end up going crazy and binging because your being so strict. It is also like a treat for all of your hard work! I don't like taking an Entire day to eat whatever I want so I usually have one treat meal on friday. then the rest of the weekend I eat…
  • cardio for sure will help. Cut back on the carbs. mfp says you should eat 55% of your calories from carbs but you don't need to. Its healthy and efficient to get the majority of your calories from protein. Processed white carbs gets stored as belly fat so avoid white rice, white, bread and pasta.
  • I am 5'5 or 5'6 SW: 106 CW:100 GW: 93 would be perfect. My thighs measure 18 inches around and they need to get toned down
  • What's your name? Melissa Where do you live? Texas! What are your food vices/ cheats? specialty pizza What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? time What's your favorite exercise? running What exercise would you like to try this year? cross fit What is your biggest trouble spot? thighs but my arms…
  • Almond milk has 90 grams of calcium per cup and whole milk has 30. Collard greens, spinach, and broccoli are also good sources. You can get fats from nuts (also has calcium) and avocados. Almond milk and nuts have magnesium to help absorb the nutrient too.
  • I am 16 and after studying philosophy and culture I have really fallen in love with the buddhist and Taoist philosophy. Yeah, I am one of the vegan hippies looking for inner peace and self acceptance through yoga meditation. I really want to reduce my impact and am obsessed with cycles and balance. I've done the whole 30…
  • I have anxiety disorder and yoga and cutting back on caffeine has really helped me. Yoga has many health benefits. Give it a try if you haven't already
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