JennArlen Member


  • Also I am 30 years old!
  • Hey! I'm a mom of 4 (10, 6,5,4) and also trying to lose my baby weight! Right after I had my last I ended up having a heart surgery and 3 back surgeries so in finally healed and able to do some me time! I started my journey in December 2014, and down 15 pounds now (SW 176) and my GW is 120-130 :)
  • Add me! :)
  • You look great! I can see changes in your arms, back, legs and even on your stomach! Way to go!!
  • HOLY SMOKES! I can def see some changes!!! Way to go!
  • I had to completely stop doing plyo. I felt like i was standing around watching because i 'couldnt' do it. I just do power in its place because i have a bad back, i dont want to risk trying to do those moves lol
  • Hi Everyone! Im new to the group :) Im Jenn, 30 years old, married and a mother of 4. My oldest will be 10...TEN (omg i feel old lmao!), in March then i have a 6, 5, and 4 year old. Before kids and when we got married i weighed 115-120 ( Im 5'7), and my heaviest was the day I had my first daughter and was 190ish. When i…
  • Are you guys still doing Combat?! Im on week 5 right now! I LOVE it so far! Ive decided once i am done with this round ill do 21 day fix then do a 2nd round of combat.
  • Are you guys still doing this?! I started the exact same day and now on week 5! as soon as i finish this program ill be doing 21 day fix!
  • Im turning the dirty 3-0 this year too (September!) I was pregnant most of my 20's (i had one at 20, 23, 24, and 25) then I had a back surgery (2011), heart surgery (2012) and another back surgery (2013) so I havent had "ME" time. Im finally feeling well enough to tackle this weight thing! I started at 176 and my goal is…
  • I ordered it yesterday and plan to start, and follow the calender as soon as it arrives!!
  • What kind of back surgery did you have? I had my back fused in 2011, and again January of this year! I just bought Hip Hop Abs and as soon as it gets here ill start! I hope to see some results from it!
  • I just ordered Hip Hop Abs on dvd! I got it at for 19.95! i hope I can get good results!! :) im excited!
  • I just ordered the Hip Hop Abs dvd and hoping to work my way up to insanity!
  • Hi! Congrats on being a newlywed! Good luck towards your goal! My goal as of right now is to lose 30 pounds (or somewhere close to that) by the end of July! We can do this!
  • Hi Michelle! Im sort of new here too. I joined MFP a year ago and never did anything with it, I just started again a few days ago and I have logged on here everyday and found that Im almos ocd about checking in lol. I am sure you'll get all the support you need here, these people have been great so far! Good luck!!
  • Is it too late for me to join? I would love the added support and I think this is a great place to start! Im Jenn, 27 and a mother of 4. I had 3 csections so I would love to tone my tummy muscles back up. My weight is 168.8 right now and my goal weight is to be 115. Im 5'7
  • I have a few... When my husband and I first were married and we talked about kids I told him that I wanted a mommy makeover when we were done. I wanted to get a tummy tuck and boobs, but things have changed. I want to work off my own weight instead of going the easy way out, but I still want my boobs done. We had saved the…
  • I love our Xbox so far! We bought it with the kinect and bought Just Dance 3, and Dance Central! I LOVE JUST DANCE! So much fun!
  • Im in Idaho! :)
  • I think the calorie intake should be based off your height, weight and weightloss goals. I know MFP calculated the amount I should be eating and it is also 1200 calories. I feel full, so I try and stick with that calorie intake to see if it will help me out. I think you should be fine with that intake amount.
  • Thanks! How old are you other ones? I have 3 girls and then my little boy... Emilee is 6 (turning 7 in March), Taylor is 3, Saydie is 2 and Max is 14 months! They keep me on my toes for sure!
  • Hi Anne! We have alot in common! I am new to the message groups, but have been using MFP for a little while. I am also a mother of 4 and also just had my 4th in november, 2010! He was born on the 10th!
  • Hi! Im sort of new... I have been using mfp for awhile but just now getting around to the message boards. I hope that I can find additional support for this weight loss journey!
  • Im 5'7 and currently weigh 168. My ultimate goal would be 115! That is where I was pre-kids and I loved myself then. I have a ways to go but I am not going to stop until I get there!
  • I would love some MFP friends! Im 27 and a sahm of 4, they are 6, 3, 2 and 14 months!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Jenn. Im 27 years old and a mother of 4, I have 3 girls (6, 3, 2) and I have a little boy that is 14 months old. Im a stay at home mom, and a full time online student. Im 5'7 and weigh 168 pounds. I had 3 csections (one every year for the last 3 years) and I just recently had my spine fused in…