Xbox workout

Hello everyone, I'm just to end the of my third week on the site and will weight in on sunday. I've lost 9pounds so far and I'm really trying to find ways to get myself motivated. All through high school I did Tae Kwon Do. I was there five days a week and was on the SWAT team. When I left for college I would go to class whenever I came home and would go the gym when I was away at school. Unfortantly my father passed away and after that I never went back to class. Its been Hard trying to find somthing that caught my interest as much as martial arts. For christmas my sister got a Wii with just dance and my little girl and I had a great time playing. I have been trying to lose weight for awhile now and its been slow going which is fine but I needed to start exercising. My husband and I talked and we decided to get an xbox 360 with Kinect and I love it. I have Just Dance 3, Dance Central, and Zumba. I make it a point to play for at least an hour and sometimes i have to make myself stop. The other night I did it for 2 hours. Since I started working out 3 weeks ago I have lost 3 inches from my waist and 2 inches from my hips. I find myself not really thinking of it as working out and the whole family can get involved. My 2 year old loves Party rock and Katy so she dances with me. So if anyone is looking for family time or just a fun way to past the time while working out (because you won't even realize as time goes by) the xbox is the way to go. Hope this helps others


  • hopenevins
    hopenevins Posts: 15 Member
    I love it too! My daughter and I love the sports 1 and 2 games...we love to box and compete against each other in track and field. The just dance games have workout mode and track your calories (not sure how accurate the calorie trackers are though).
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Totally with you on this.

    I lost a dress size in 43 days using Kinect about a year ago. Then, I moved house and did a lot more walking and let Kinect fall by the wayside. Recently started cycling, and a few nights ago I realised I was missing Kinect so got it back out.

    I'd forgotten how much I loved it - it's going to be used regularly again now!
  • JennArlen
    JennArlen Posts: 32 Member
    I love our Xbox so far! We bought it with the kinect and bought Just Dance 3, and Dance Central! I LOVE JUST DANCE! So much fun!