

  • Thanks, iv got the 'seconds' one to try :) ill get it all set up tonight ready for tomorrow.
  • I had it the other night on a facebook page Corsa c UK, its part of their online forum. iv been on it for a few weeks an the whole group is full of chavvy little twist, but they have some nicely modified cars. Id posted a pick of my car and was talkin about what mods i wanted to do, getting advice and what not, id…
  • mother of god, thats hot! id 'do' her!!* *an thats coming from a woman that has no sexual interest in other women
  • Course work.. still sitting in its folder in the tv unit... Its bright red, cant miss it. Something to do with health an safety procedures in the work place, policy guide lines yadda yadda ZzzzZZZzzzzZZZZ Ill blast it out Wednesday night, dont see my assessor till Thursday.
  • iv never seen anythin like that in the articles/bullitins from the schools, cause if they are in good condition i dont see why not! Lets face it, for the amount of time that they are in it before growing out of them.... they really arnt worth the money
  • I think it might be because im a tad defensive about not being able to breast feed... some of the posts are getting under my skin. But, im restraining myself from commenting on them because its my own hurt that is letting the comments affect me... if you get what i mean? Look at that.... i dont even want to do a 'take for…
  • 2 kids, both not breastfed. I couldnt.. dont want to go into it, but i physically couldnt breast feed. Yes i felt like i missed out on something, same as not physically being able to give birth (2 c-sections) Have my kids suffered because of it? Nope, 14yr old who is currently doing her gcse's early and is top of her class…
  • How about 2 staffs an a kid?
  • do lowercase instead of caps
  • 2x Staffie cross's.... and a cat :grumble: Well i actually have 3 cats, but this one thinks shes a dog. As for why a Staffie?...... why not?
  • Top one would freak me out. bottom one, im watching waiting for the cat to snap lol
  • Thank You, I think he looks adorable :) Just to even it out a bit... my special snowflake daughter an friends in their version of the school uniform :huh: (shes the one in the middle)
  • Which is great if you live in the USA... The School uniforms from the UK are rarely if ever found in a local charity shop.... tbh 14yrs of being a mum, i have yet to see ANY of my daughters past an present uniform in the charity shops. When she was in primary school it was a bottle green sweat jumper/cardigan with school…
  • From the UK, 2 kids, both go to school (well one starts in September) both have to wear a uniform. Son is only 3, for the cost of 4 jumpers, 2 ties, a school hoodie for sports kit and 'book' bag cost me £100, for his trousers/polo tops cost me another £50... still got his shoes to get yet. Daughter is 14, wears a blazer..…
  • i was on it till last friday, i was losing between 29.9 and 40.2 pounds* per week, had to give it up though..... too bloody expensive. *pounds being our currency :wink:
  • My clothes are the right size for me, but due to how im proportioned it wouldnt matter what i wear i still have the muffin top! The jeans i have on currently are too big an require pulling up ALOT.... but i still have a crazy *kitten* muffin top going on. spose id better walk round all naked then until i lose the weight...…
  • Tbh, id prefer to eat one than just look at the picture. Pictures really arnt filling.
  • I went one on Tuesday. We went to Alton Towers, i panicked loads the night before, didnt panic too much whilst there as there was bigger people getting onto the rides. The only ride i panicked about was 'Air' thats because when you sit in the chair.. it flips you up so you 'lay down' so to speak and the bars take all your…
  • Nope, stupidly stuffed after having an amazing curry for our anniversary Couldnt eat another thing.. im even struggling with fluids.
  • costna tell thee ow appy i arm seeing anover stokie! :smooched:
  • Argghhhh!!!! i hate that. Tbh, i find small sounds like that annoying when im reading.. tapping/sniffing/heavey breathing are just a few that will drive me batty if iv got a book in me hand!
  • Simple answer is they dont believe it will happen to them.... same as other things really.
  • After everything everyone has said, theres only one person who can make the choice for you. You wont quit until you want to quit. its as simple as that. You can look at all the costs, all the horrible things that may or may not happen to you, you can see what your life expectancy is, you can be told all the horrible side…
  • Thanks hun, think ill end up just sticking to the pre-made stuff. Its complicated enough without going into the modded section. brought one off ebay the other day, the ego-ce4, im guessing its a knock off, but again its different to the Totally wicked tornado kit, instead of having coils.. in the clear bit its got for want…
    in Vape..? Comment by cherryd69 August 2013
  • Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire here.... Makers of the dinner wear, naff ornaments and the mighty oatcake :) Please feel free to add away
  • Lol i have, but.. i agree with another poster on this topic, iv gone past the age of understanding! :laugh: Iv got 2 mates on my facebook that vape, and when i told them i was getting an ecig from totallywicked they went waffling on about different things... confused the hell out of me:blushing:
    in Vape..? Comment by cherryd69 August 2013
  • Apparently yes they are the same thing lol :) I cant use champix or the niquitin stuff (champix made me really ill and niquitin brought me out in a god aweful rash!) I tried to quit 2 years ago and managed for 12 weeks cold turkey, but i snapped one night on the way home from work during an argument with the OH about my…
    in Vape..? Comment by cherryd69 August 2013
  • Much of what you have just written went right over my head! im using a Tornado T, but its not cartridges, its one i fill with the liquid. I ordered the real tab liquid and the cherry menthol liquid, currently preferring the cherry menthol. Iv been looking at vapor girls, love some of their stuff.. but i have no idea how to…
    in Vape..? Comment by cherryd69 August 2013
  • Hard boiled sweets + kids =