

  • Try to spread them through the day. It is good to try and keep your blood glucose levels "even". I find it hard to believe that fruit could be bad for you unless your eating nothing but grapefruit for long periods of time
  • I am the one that goes to swim lessons with my 2 little ones........If your Husband is available get him to do it. I didn't learn to swim until I was 21. Almost drown because of it when I was 5. Fat would not stop me from making sure my 2 peanuts could swim. When your in the pool with the kids you wont care...I didn't and…
  • It happens I am impressed on the 1-2 hours of training per day - 6 per wk. I used to train like that in college. There is a growing number of people who are saying that "more is not better..better is better" It is working for me along with tracking my diet here on the site. Sadly I can not look back at my measurements…
  • Sounds like a rut. I plateaued a while back and have had to try and find variety. Can you vary your workout or some other part of your life to give you a boost?
  • One thing that people forget is that if you are a larger person you will burn more calories doing the same activity. My guess is the HRM is more accurate than the bike is. Double check your settings to be sure that they are accurate. I know that I have burned in excess of 600 calories in just over 40 minutes of excercise…
  • SOunds like your doind really well. Be careful of overtraining. 2-a-days are great as long as you dont overdo it. Ifind I get sick or wind up with a sore joint or a trip th the chiro if I get carried away. Watch your caloires too, you may need to increase a little. Go for it and good luck.
  • Don't worry about going over on protein. Especially if you are strength training. Building lean muscle will help you burn fat and calories more efficiently. Get plenty of water. Sodium and manufactured sugars are more of a concern.
  • I have an FT7 -you can enter your age weight etc and it will adjust the calories you burn based on age gender etc. -You can store up to a week of exercise...or more..can't remember -you can set alarms for your min and maximum heart rate, or you can go with what it sets for you -you can buy a sensor that allows you to…
  • If you know ahead of time what you plan to burn ( you seem fairly adept at this type of thing) you might want to plan out your food for the day. I.E have enough food at your disposal by bringing food to work with you or having snacks and meals ready to go. Or...buy a bunch of small protein bars and have them ready. Peanuts…
  • One thing that feels good and always gives my wife and I a boost is a few minutes in a tanning bed. We don't do it alot but both of us get a little llopy in the dead of winter We also take some vitamin D as well and that seems to help.
  • that is 21 weeks of one one pound per week. That is a setting in your porfile. So yes it is attainable. Just don't go into calorie deficit. Good luck.
  • I beleive mine is an FT7 & I am very happy with it/ Just remember to get the sensor very wet before you put it on so it gets a good seal to your body.
  • I agree increase weigth and do 2 sets 3 max. I circuit train this way and it really works well.
  • I just got the EA fit 2 for kinect and it really kicked my but this weekend on intermediate. I will say that you should wear your own hrm with it though..I did and the rate is good but the calories are off on the kinect stuff/
  • I have a plar ft7 hrm and I am very happy with it. If you can still take the other one back I would reccomend it . Otherwise there are a few others out their that are good...I can only speak for mine. One thing to remeber if you do get a poar is that the band needs to be wet to have good contact. Once you get used to that…
  • I say go the middle road and eat half of them and see how it goes. It all comes down to results....and I don't just mean the scale. Take the time to do measurements and body fat percentage. Depending on your activity level you will build muscle. Sometimes you THINK you are on a plateau but in reality you may have lost body…
  • Its not the one day that will get you Its the repeat offense that will get you every time Moderation ....and going back to the diet that day after that's the tricky part. I know espescially if I get hung over....that I might go on a mini food binge Is there going to be anyone there that is trying to keep the same…
  • If you are planning on feeding the kids too I wulod realistically say wendy's. There are healthy options for the kids meals.
  • Drug my sorry *kitten* out of bed and burned 400 calories before work this am....without my workout partner Felt pretty good.
  • Try going wiht your measurements or body fat as you go. If not the fluctuations and plateus will make you crazy. Remember its a lifestyle change and it is for life. What fuzzywallnuts is saying is true. Fat occupies more space with less weight...hence measurements and fat percentage can be helpful. your weight will have…
  • bump looking for low sodium stuff myself:ohwell:
  • I have had the same thing when I cut down on caffeine myself. Sometimes it is tension in my neck or back that can cause the headaches. That could be remedied by some stretching exercises. I also used to get blood pressure headaches but that is another isssue that is long past.
  • I am the same as far as not wanting to get up....my wife does prod me a little. But I will say I feel so much better when I do my workouts in the morning. It truly you-time when you have little ones. Just remeber how good it can feel. I know my day goes better when both my wife and I take care of ourselves before anything…
  • There is alot of comfort in old habits. I definitely do not condone what he is doing.... Stay strong its tough when one person is trying to change their lifestyle and the other is not. You may be going outside his comfort level and this is his way of "staying comfortable". It is really easy to get this way as a guy. I'm…
  • It is a lifestyle thing.... remember that it will take time to change. My wife and I finally had to get up every morning and work outbefore the kids were up. It has become something we do before anyone else gets there mits on us and it feels good. When I was doing it myself it was the best way (am workouts) . We started to…
  • OOH Its hump day today I'm innnn hope the wife is cxause were tryin out the hrm
  • You may want to drop your reps a little...it will NOT bulk you up. Also the weight will come off where it wants to. Not where you want it too.... Targeting area will not target the loss of fat. A full body workout is the most efficient way to lose weight. Also it helps to do your measurements once you sart to weight…
  • use the cardio tracking....did you use a hrm to trakc calories...if not look up circuit training with weights and use that calorie burn.
  • This is just a thought but If you are getting good results and have been doing it for a while it seems like it shouldn't matter...... I firmly believe it is a lifestyle change not a lab exercise...keep in mind I am an engineer and I keep a spreadsheet with charts on my weight and blood pressure metrics but it is a…
  • You have lost 62 pounds AWESOME!!! DONT GIVE UP Take a deep breath and look at the calories you are expending and see if you may actually need more caloires.... You may actually want to see if you can meet with a nutritional pro or a really good trainer to see what is going on.