Trying to Plan Ahead....

k8smama Posts: 48
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
So tomorrow is my SUPER busy day :grumble: and I already know that cooking at home is probably not going happen unless I plan on eating late, and I have small kids so that's not really an option. I'm wondering what are my healthiest choices as far as eating out go? It will more than likely be fast food, I don't see having time for a sit down dinner. I want to make sure that it's filling otherwise I'll be tempted to snack later that evening. I also plan on being more conservative with my calories earlier to compensate for the less than healthy dinner. So...any suggestions??


  • Subway... Eat fresh! lol yummy
  • When I used to eat meat Wendy's was a good option. You can get a small chili and a plain baked potato and dump the chili on top of the potato. Very filling. Or you could cook something tonight that is good re-heated?
  • cavycity
    cavycity Posts: 24 Member
    Try Chipotle; gives a link to their nutrition information. Just watch the sodium, and try it without cheese. What I get (burrito bowl with black beans, rice, tomato salsa, and sour cream) is under 400 calories and soooooo good.
  • The ONLY fast food I would advise eating is Subway! Log on to their website and plan your meal with their nutrition info. No way you can go wrong doing that.
  • Sherri71
    Sherri71 Posts: 208 Member
    I agree with Wendys too. There are great salads, baked potatoes and just better choices than the other fast food restaurants out there. Or you could always pack a healthy lunch for you. I love Perfect Zone bars. They can be purchased at your local grocery store or Walmart in the nutrition aisle.
  • Wendy's Side Ceasar Salad w/ 1/2 tsp of dressing
    Grilled Chicken Go Wrap with no cheese and no sauce

    Less than 300 cal and very filling.
  • If you are planning on feeding the kids too I wulod realistically say wendy's. There are healthy options for the kids meals.
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    I had that happen last night, but knew in advance. Check online during the day for the nutritional info of any place you may plan to go. It will help you make a healthier choice when you're not on the spot to order quickly. Subway has several sandwiches that are under 500 calories (but they are pretty hefty on the bread). I got an In-N-Out double meat hamburger protein style (no bun, wrapped in lettuce). You have to get a double meat burger there because the patties are very thin (2 = 1/4 lb - maybe). Watch the sodium! My little burger was over 1000 on sodium due to the meat, that was eye opening to me!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Subway is always my go-to. Filling, delicious, and good for you!! Can't go wrong there!
  • Whatever you choose, be sure to watch the sodium. Even though it's low calorie doesn't mean it's low sodium.
  • If I knew today that I wouldn’t have time to cook dinner tomorrow, I’d prep something for the slow cooker, or make something that would reheat easily for leftovers.

    Is there a Panera close to you? As long as you’re not tempted by their sweets, the soups & salads are great options. Chick Fil A salads and wraps are good options, too (assuming you have access to one). Obviously the fried chicken options and fries would be less-healthy choice. Sodium will be high no matter where you eat out, so drink a little extra water.
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