can i lose 20lbs by beginning july ?(or more maybe 25 ish)

AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I want to lose 20lbs by July 8th. Is that too far fetched?? I'm not a regular weight loss person so i have no idea of the rate!!

Any help will be appreciated :) xxx


  • id say possible...but be careful not to starve ur body! make sure ur eating balanced healthy meals and excersing regularly! good luck!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    if you shoot for 5 lbs a month you should be able to do it safely and efficiently ly.
  • I did 25 in 6 weeks following and tracking 100% of my meals in my fitness pal
  • I have lost 17lbs in 5 weeks and I plan to lose 3 stone in total before 12th May so I think you can definitely lose at least 20lbs by July. You just need to eat healthy and do regular exercise. If you put your mind to it and don't lose sight of your goal and what your doing it for you can definitely reach your goal. You can add me and see what I have been eating and how much I have been exercising if it helps. Good Luck x x x
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    It is absolutely possible - I have been on this site for approx five and a bit weeks and have lost nearly 18lbs already :) I am eating all my calories and eating back most of my exercise calories and still losing about 3 - 4 lbs a week...I'm sure it will slow down soon and then I will step up my exercise
  • bp1140
    bp1140 Posts: 24
    I really want to do the exact same thing. Let's work together and make it happen!!!
  • It all depends on how you do it. If you dont have alot to lose then it might be harder than someone who is over 250 lbs. I lost almost 30 and started in the middle of December. In the end it all depends on your drive and how your body reacts to the weight loss. Go for it and try but dont get dissapointed if you dont lose as much as you intended to. Just look at it as your are gonna be alot healthier than you are at this very moment. Good luck and have fun.
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    Cool :) thanks guys! because I've never actually been on a diet before, ever! So i see all these posts like "oh my god you can;t do this that and the other its starvation" and one guy actually said I wasn't eating enough, even though id gone over 1200 by like 200 (it was a bad day!) so i had no idea really....x
  • that is 21 weeks of one one pound per week. That is a setting in your porfile.

    So yes it is attainable. Just don't go into calorie deficit.

    Good luck.
  • flash53
    flash53 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes you can, aim for about 5 lbs a month. Make sure you have 4-6 small meals a day. Each meal should consist of a lean protien, vegetable have one or two pieces of fruit a day. Drink water and no soft drinks or alcohol. Limit Dressings on salads or other meals. Try to do about 30 minutes of cardio a day 3-5 days a week and do some stregth training about 3 days a week. Get a trainer or a friend to show you some exercises to do so you can do them properly so you dont injure yourself. Remember muscle burns more than fat. Dont be afraid to strength train you wont bulk up like a guy, women don't have as much testoterone as men. If you want to learn more about diet and exercise you can buy a book or try They have a lot of info on cardio, strength training and page for you to post questions that you may have about losing 20 lbs or so. P.S get a physical if you havn't had one for a while before you start training. I hope this helps.
  • Definately!!! I have lost 21lbs in about 6 weeks so I know you can do it... You just have to stay focused & commited to yourself & your goals!!! Good Luck
  • Keep in mind a girl of your height and weight doesn't burn a lot of energy. Theres just not allot of weight to haul around, not a lot of blood to pump, etc. And because of your smaller frame, the little weight you loose will make a large difference visually.

    For this reason, loosing 10 lbs for you would be like loosing 20 for me. It would take the same amount of time and make the same difference visually.

    Sooo, what I'm getting at is don't worry if it comes off slowly. Even 5 lbs would be a significant change <3
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