

  • My weight loss road has had many bumbs. I needed a way to track my eating and help me to get it under control. Accidentally, I came across this site, a few years ago. I lost over 30 lbs using this site back then, I FELL off the road! ,:sad: My TRIGGER was this Decedmber 2012, when I had my yearly physical, I had hit my…
  • Just always be aware and if you fall of the boat, GET back on it! :love:
  • Hello, this fits right into my schedule, so COUNT ME IN! My goal was to be around 175 by December, because I wanted to have lost weight by my yearly physical date. I am hitting the gym and staying within my daily calorie count and the scale and my clothes are telling my story! Carol
  • I know you can do it. I am incorporating my diet with my eating habits and the weight is coming off. Stay on the course and reach for your goal. You Go Girl!:flowerforyou:
  • I use minute brown rice in a bag and it comes out good every time. I put fat free brown gravy over it and fat free cream of chicken over chicken, yummy!
  • In response to protein overage: My protein problem: I eliminate meat from my diet atleast 1-2 day per week. I'll eat beans or tofu. My protein seems to balance it self out. I have a protein drink onn hand, just in case I need it.
  • Fiber is filling! Oatmeal is a good choice with fruit in the morning. Fruits and vegetables are power foods. Pasta with vegetables are good. Water will fill you, I have found drinking more water helps me because, when I thought I was hungry and really, I was thirsty and I sometimes add crystal light to my water to change…
  • Welcome! I found this site by accident, over 6 months ago, I am glad I did. Unfortunately, I had stopped recording for awhile due to surgery and other situations, but I recently started recording again. I was really amazed because this site kept my information, especially my weight information and I was amazed that I had…
  • You can Do it! This site has helped me because I am committed to input my food in the food section everyday! I love it when I exercise and can see the difference in my clothes. Stay consistent and you will see results! I joined this site 12/30/09, I have not missed a day of entry. It is paying off! Carol Pikesville,…
  • Wow, keep up the good work! OLD habits are a thing of the past! Continue!
  • Stay consistent, don't let a day go by that you don't update your food and exercise intake. Even if you are NOT near your computer, WRITE it down, and when you are able enter it. You can do it, remember, DAY BY DAY! I'm rooting for YOU! You go girl! Carol
  • Just keep doing what you are doing, you are on the RIGHT track! Don't listen to the scales, remember muscle weighs more than fat!