jennerlnz Member


  • Bad idea - a mistake many make, though. Heat is ok on vaguely achey muscles, but a big no-no on acute pain. Ice (no more than 20m in one go) and rest.
  • I never did it for 30 days - got too bored. But my usual repertoire is just a mix of her DVDs - I have nearly all of them. I just throw one on, pick a work-out and do it. Can't go wrong there. Funny, I heard JM say on a podcast recently that she doesn't understand why anyone still buys "that old thing" (30DS). I believe…
  • Right there with you. I ditched it last week and am transitioning into more cals. I was at 1300 and it worked well at first, I felt great, and I thought often that I wasn't even getting hungry at that low level. I ate like a nutritionist's dream client, so no one can tell me I was doing 1200 "wrong." Lasted a couple of…
  • Crap, I feel annoyed just running with my key and my mobile. Packing heat? You people live in a scary world! Not to say there aren't nutters all over the world, but I just choose a less isolated route and... Well, that's all.
  • I started out really concentrating on the scale, but in recent weeks I've switched my mindset completely. I think it's silly, for me at least, to be focussed on a goal weight when that number has no meaning in my real life. Ie: I have been slimmer before, but I was not fit at all. So I might get just as slim as that, but…
  • You are about my husband's size and body type and I think he would wither up and die if he ate only as much as you have been! I actually winced a little, looking at your intake, and thought, "I want to cook this guy a real meal!" I think you really need to make a bigger effort on the nutrition. I was never a big breakfast…
  • I'm from beautiful British Columbia but I haven't lived in Canada since 1997. Currently in the Netherlands. And yes, I always miss home. :)
  • I'm the same way. I've lost about five inches off my waist, but only 1.5 off my hips and absolutely zero off my thighs. *sigh* I have a full library of Jillian Michaels work-out DVDs - I'd go for Ripped in 30 (more bang for your buck than 30DS, as it has four work-outs) and Killer Buns and Thighs. Short and to the point!…
  • I would rather the 15cals of a tsp of sugar than any artificial sweeteners. Stevia, maybe, but I'm not keen on the taste. But I have stopped sweetening my coffee. I still use a bit of milk, and I heat it up before adding the coffee - imo, heating it first brings out a bit of the natural sweetness.
  • Values added by other members have an asterix next to them. But, ok, bananas... there is an entry there by the gram. I use it every day, so I know this! I peel my banana, weight it, and voila. I checked the entry with another database and it's accurate.
  • I'm not that fussy about a difference of 20 calories. However, I will say that for most dry ingredients and produce, I use a kitchen scale to weigh things and look for entries that work with weight. Far more accurate than a volume measurement for non-liquids.
  • The 30 Day Shred is less than $10 in most places, and last I checked all the work-outs were on youtube. You must be looking at the price for her big "system" DVD set. If you are looking for bang for your buck, I'd get Ripped in 30 instead. It has four workouts rather than three, and I just heard Jillian herself say on a…