Female runners and safety



    Bear Spray (It sprays further, and there are Bear and other animals out there in the woods where I am....lol ).... I used to run on a block that had loose Pit Bulls around....you can never be too safe. Also, can you run with someone? I always believe that there is safety in numbers~

    *I got the Bear Spray idea from a UPS driver that said he always used it on any dog that came near him (I also saw him using it in action)...he said he was bit far too many times without it...
  • JHarr454
    JHarr454 Posts: 50 Member
    I have not yet figured a way to comfortably run with a gun.

    Kimber makes a small two shot pepper projectile "gun" that I've considered getting.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    My friend runs with her dog. He growls at all strangers until his owner introduces him. More than once he has warded off some creepier.

    Edit: Also a thought, consider a medical bracelet if you have any conditions or a phone number to call in case you get sick while running.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Mace Sport 3in 1 Strobe Personal Alarm

    To activate alarm, remove pin from the top of the unit to emit a 130 dB blast and flashing light.Small button on side of unit allows strobe light to be used as a flashlight. Comes with clip for joggers and walkers.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Just strap some C-4 to your chest and keep your finger on the trigger at all times.

    That'll show those creeps.


    Or bring your boyfriend.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Just run with pepper spray, a cellphone, and make sure that you tell someone when you'll be gone and what time they should expect you back. If you're really paranoid, you could get a stun gun. Or was it a taser? Whichever is the close ranged one.

    Jeez what kind of place do you people live in where you need a gun on you at all times? Unless she should be worried about dangerous wild animals.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I tell somebody when I go and when I'm expected to come back. Other than that I carry an iphone and hope that I can sprint faster than a rapist. There was a woman who was murdered on the trail I use, but it's populated enough and used enough to deter a criminal. And, at least, somebody could hear me if I screamed. I feel at least as safe there during daylight hours as I do any place else I could be. Women have been hurt just about everywhere.
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    Yes... my legs.

    The reality is that any weapon you carry can be used against you. The person attacking you is more likely to know how to use it efficiently than you are.

    Your legs are your greatest weapon, because since you are running, all you should be doing when you feel scared/threatened .. is start running even faster, away, to a safe place.

    Your legs are also good for kicking him in the b*lls.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The reality is that any weapon you carry can be used against you. The person attacking you is more likely to know how to use it efficiently than you are.

    Seriously, if you get a weapon GET TRAINING
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    Yes... my legs.

    The reality is that any weapon you carry can be used against you. The person attacking you is more likely to know how to use it efficiently than you are.

    Your legs are your greatest weapon, because since you are running, all you should be doing when you feel scared/threatened .. is start running even faster, away, to a safe place.

    Your legs are also good for kicking him in the b*lls.

    Just a couple other things: Don't listen to headphones or talk on the phone. Tell someone when you are leaving and when you plan on returning (and stick to that plan).
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    I run while wearing and holding all of this gear:

  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    The reality is that any weapon you carry can be used against you. The person attacking you is more likely to know how to use it efficiently than you are.

    Seriously, if you get a weapon GET TRAINING

    Second this. You want to be so well trained that you drop them in one pop so you can RUN AWAY and get help. It should be an automatic reaction so that it helps you over come a freezing. If you haven't reached that level, be aware that you could put yourself in a world of danger.
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    Wow sounds dangerous where you guys run!
    I'm glad I live in the UK, don't need to worry about guns or weapons. Nobody is about at half 5 in the am anyway lol
  • LibertyBelle89
    i have pepper spray that i keep on me & i usually run with at least one of my dogs
  • jennerlnz
    jennerlnz Posts: 12 Member
    Crap, I feel annoyed just running with my key and my mobile. Packing heat? You people live in a scary world! Not to say there aren't nutters all over the world, but I just choose a less isolated route and... Well, that's all.
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    Here are my safety tips
    1. Always let someone know where you are going and about what time you plan on being back.
    2. Carry your phone.
    3. Don't wear head phones! I know this is like going against some unwritten law but when I run I play music off my phone on speaker. It allows me to hear traffic and if there's a creeper in the bushes. And in the year that I've done this not once has someone come up to me and told me to turn my tunes done :glasses:
    4. If possible run in busy areas. More people means more witnesses means less likely something will happen.
    5. Pepper spray or other weapon type of weapon. I tried carrying my fire arm but the weight of it started messing with my hips so I just have pepper spray.

    If you still feel uncomfortable find a running buddy!
    Stay safe ladies!! :drinker:
  • sailawaykate
    Pepper spray, my dog, and my phone. And if you're running late, go without music and just listen to the sounds! I run really early (before sunup) in the city and have never had problems, but it only takes once.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Wow sounds dangerous where you guys run!
    I'm glad I live in the UK, don't need to worry about guns or weapons. Nobody is about at half 5 in the am anyway lol

    So the UK is violent crime free? That's awesome.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Or, you know - you could try running somewhere that you felt safe, instead. :huh: