

  • Again, thank you everyone! Just to note I am up at 7AM get the kids ready for school, eat breakfast, and out the door at 8:30AM and get back in at 10:30PM, I work at a hospital and on my feet all day, once I get in all I want to shower and sleep and nothing else. I do get fresh fruit and veggies in through out the day but…
  • Thank you all for your prompt responses!!! :happy: The 20 hours I get a week are to study, write papers, be a wife :devil: and cuddle with my kiddies, (thank god for a hands on dad & husband). Thanks everyone for your input it helps alleviate added stress I cannot handle right now.
  • It's not just the calories you need to focus, but rather all intake, fats, carbs, protein, fiber and sodium intake is important to note as well. Balance is key! The rule of thumb I have been using is if it's canned or has an expiration date that is more than a week away I don't eat it (sometimes this is not an option for…
  • For my chocolate craves I like the Special K Chocolate Pretzel cereal bar as for the ice cream Breyer's has a Carb Smart line of products that are great. I also like to munch on sugar free fudge pops or sugar free chocolate pudding.
  • [/quote] I was looking for this too and cannot find it , only "additional amounts burned" which is pretty poor, altho the game tracks it as I have the 1kcal + achivments. Oh those with yourshape, get the cardio race workout, its crazy 28mins of very fast cardio getting faster as time goes on [/quote] Thanks! I ordered your…
  • For the biggest loser... is there a place I can go back to to see total calories burned for the day? I have it and can't seem to figure it out. I want to do two workouts a day and wanted to know if after the last one I can just see the day's total vs. writing down each one as I go... Thanks
  • I am an owner of all three current consoles, Xbox 360, Wii and PS3. I was hesitant on buying the kinect for the xbox since I already have most of the fitness games for the Wii and figured what's the difference. Well I gave in and got the kinect and must say I am thoroughly impressed. With the kinect you have to do…
  • Hey! My son is 10 yrs and was dx 3 yrs ago. He started out on injections and switched to the pump in April of 2010. I feel like he had more control on the injections vs. the pump and am having trouble keeping his A1C under 8. Do you mind sharing with me which method your daughter uses and how it is working?
  • is a great website. It is a diabetic website for the most part but they have delicious recipes anyone can eat! You can sort them by choice of, carbs, fat, sodium, calories or by meal types. Have fun looking through the recipes.