Those thinking about getting a kinect

Check out some videos here for the biggest loser


  • Willstephens1
    Willstephens1 Posts: 45 Member
    I got this game for Kinect from Play for the bargain price of £12.99 (it's now £17.99 which is still a good price).

    I haven't tried it yet as im just getting into your shape fitness evolved but it does look good.
  • Chrissy721
    I am an owner of all three current consoles, Xbox 360, Wii and PS3. I was hesitant on buying the kinect for the xbox since I already have most of the fitness games for the Wii and figured what's the difference. Well I gave in and got the kinect and must say I am thoroughly impressed. With the kinect you have to do everything correct, arm movements, hips and leg movements. With the Wii, well it's just not that precise. I have decided that I am taking my Wii workout games and trading them in for the Xbox kinect versions.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I have the biggest loser game for the kinect, and it kicks my *kitten* everyday!!
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I've heard that the Your Shape Fitness isn't too intense, so I'm happy to hear that the Biggest Loser will kick your butt. I might have to pick it up! :)
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    I've heard that the Your Shape Fitness isn't too intense, so I'm happy to hear that the Biggest Loser will kick your butt. I might have to pick it up! :)

    Some of the your shape cardio workouts are pretty intense when your playing the harder ones. Also theres a good selection of weight based exercises for 5-10kg weights designed for strength workouts, i'm yet to try them tho!

    They were designed by Mens Health aparntly.
  • Chrissy721
    I have the biggest loser game for the kinect, and it kicks my *kitten* everyday!!

    For the biggest loser... is there a place I can go back to to see total calories burned for the day? I have it and can't seem to figure it out. I want to do two workouts a day and wanted to know if after the last one I can just see the day's total vs. writing down each one as I go... Thanks
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    I have the biggest loser game for the kinect, and it kicks my *kitten* everyday!!

    For the biggest loser... is there a place I can go back to to see total calories burned for the day? I have it and can't seem to figure it out. I want to do two workouts a day and wanted to know if after the last one I can just see the day's total vs. writing down each one as I go... Thanks

    I was looking for this too and cannot find it , only "additional amounts burned" which is pretty poor, altho the game tracks it as I have the 1kcal + achivments.

    Oh those with yourshape, get the cardio race workout, its crazy 28mins of very fast cardio getting faster as time goes on
  • Chrissy721

    I was looking for this too and cannot find it , only "additional amounts burned" which is pretty poor, altho the game tracks it as I have the 1kcal + achivments.

    Oh those with yourshape, get the cardio race workout, its crazy 28mins of very fast cardio getting faster as time goes on

    Thanks! I ordered your shape, it should be here soon.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    Most people start off with the low level stuff on yourshape then say its an easy workout, well they are named "nice and easy" and are only around 12mins each!

    Go to the 30min+ difficult ones or reassess your fitness level to well trained and youll be struggling!

    The thing I love on yourshape is I can logon to the website and view all my stats, how long I played today, this week, this month, year much I burned on each exercise and workout, what time I did that workout, total amount burned and set myself and friends challenges/goals!

    Screenshot of my stuff this month so far-

  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I am an owner of all three current consoles, Xbox 360, Wii and PS3. I was hesitant on buying the kinect for the xbox since I already have most of the fitness games for the Wii and figured what's the difference. Well I gave in and got the kinect and must say I am thoroughly impressed. With the kinect you have to do everything correct, arm movements, hips and leg movements. With the Wii, well it's just not that precise. I have decided that I am taking my Wii workout games and trading them in for the Xbox kinect versions.

    How/where can you trade in Wii games for Kinect games??
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    I am an owner of all three current consoles, Xbox 360, Wii and PS3. I was hesitant on buying the kinect for the xbox since I already have most of the fitness games for the Wii and figured what's the difference. Well I gave in and got the kinect and must say I am thoroughly impressed. With the kinect you have to do everything correct, arm movements, hips and leg movements. With the Wii, well it's just not that precise. I have decided that I am taking my Wii workout games and trading them in for the Xbox kinect versions.

    How/where can you trade in Wii games for Kinect games??

    Well I used to work for a UK based company called cex but they have opened some US stores recently too, you can also sent stuff via post for exchange and cash and buy online with free delivery (everything is preowned)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I have Kinect! I bought yourshape, didn't like it at all! I would work out for 30-45 mins and only burn like 200 calories (according to their counter) But I wouldn't even break a sweat. Others say they burn a lot with it. So I don't know. So I just got rid of it and bought p90x instead.

    I heard the Biggest Loser game doesn't track your body very well. But I wouldn't mind trying it!

    I use Dance Central a lot! It's a very game, and it keeps you moving.
  • T_William
    T_William Posts: 147 Member
    I have Kinect! I bought yourshape, didn't like it at all! I would work out for 30-45 mins and only burn like 200 calories (according to their counter) But I wouldn't even break a sweat. Others say they burn a lot with it. So I don't know. So I just got rid of it and bought p90x instead.

    I heard the Biggest Loser game doesn't track your body very well. But I wouldn't mind trying it!

    I use Dance Central a lot! It's a very game, and it keeps you moving.
    I average around 90% correct on a 40min biggest loser workout, it tracks it very well but its percised like if your knee on a stretch isnt quite over your toes it will say its wrong but not always give you feedback to know thats why its wrong.

    I suppose it depents on your pysical state, strength, fitness and what your trying to do for all workouts how well it performs, I started at near 260lbs on yourshape and I defo break a sweat, my lil sister who is 18 was sweating loads and she is fairly heatly and healthy according to her BMI too and has attended personal trainer classes at a gym and jogging a few times a week.

    Biggest loser is getting more intense now ive just performed a 45min workout and burned 410cals (and some more as I used weights on a fair bit and on stuff like the side step id add my own bits like side punchs or body twists.
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    I've heard that the Your Shape Fitness isn't too intense, so I'm happy to hear that the Biggest Loser will kick your butt. I might have to pick it up! :)

    Some of the your shape cardio workouts are pretty intense when your playing the harder ones. Also theres a good selection of weight based exercises for 5-10kg weights designed for strength workouts, i'm yet to try them tho!

    They were designed by Mens Health aparntly.

    I put myself through the Mens Health session and found it pretty solid and got me working up quite a sweat. It had plenty of lunges which is good for what Im after (I do a lot of lunges for my boxing training).

    Personally, I wouldnt use it for all my training needs, but its great to have if I want to squeeze in a half hour session at home (especially if I have missed a session at the gym, YourShape means I have no excuse!).