Not enough hours in a day... Lean Cuisine ok???



  • heatherlfulton
    heatherlfulton Posts: 37 Member
    I have been using the Lean Cuisine and the Smart Ones as I am also a professional/mother/spouse/student. :) To suppliment that during the winter I added the Progresso Lite soups. These are only 60-80 calories per serving (2 servings per can) and rather filling and tasty. For the pasta box options I found the Butternut suash raviloli suprizingly good, although I have to have some fruit or a salad to counter the flavor a bit as it is a "one flavor" meal.
  • buttonsandbones
    buttonsandbones Posts: 7 Member
    I think they're fine. I eat a Lean Cuisine for lunch during the week and I usually add some raw veggies and fruit with it. My daily sodium is within limits. :smile:
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    They are ok but do watch the sodium. Just plan your other meals around your lc so that way you don't go over on your sodium. I fix my lunch the night before after my daughter goes to bed and before I go to bed. I just takes about 10 min depending on what it is. Sometimes I do a baked potato with cottage cheese on it with a salad
  • Chrissy721
    Again, thank you everyone! Just to note I am up at 7AM get the kids ready for school, eat breakfast, and out the door at 8:30AM and get back in at 10:30PM, I work at a hospital and on my feet all day, once I get in all I want to shower and sleep and nothing else. I do get fresh fruit and veggies in through out the day but as far as a meal goes its a crap shoot, that's why I rather a meal I can look at and know what my count is rather than guessing.
  • princess4mimi
    Good for you!!! I am a nurse and therefore I know first hand how stressful that can be, and I was working during nursing school back then also. I did not have 1 child much less 3, nor a household to run. So I agree with the majority GO FOR IT!!! If that's what you can get in and still stay within your numbers than GO FOR IT!!!! Great Job!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I wouldn't do it. At least not daily. Its not that hard to prepare a lunch.

    Come on, that's not fair :frown: Many people would LOVE to cook lunches, but can't. Unlike many, you don't have a husband, or multiple children running around also taking your time and preventing you from cooking. For many people, preparing food IS tough, and sometimes not convenient (ie, single-person households, etc). :tongue:

    I did say go for it I don't know why you are taking such offense.

    Just to clarify: I'm not taking offense, I just don't agree that you should be able to judge who's able to do what, or who has time to do something like prepare lunch. We're all different, and some of us are busier than you are. That's all. :smile: