

  • Yoga pants are fine in the public, but a huge NAY to pajamas in the public. Wal-mart or not! Looks incredibly tacky!:smile: :smile:
  • We went on a cruise last year. As soon as we were unpacked, I found the exercise room. Every morning before breakfast I did some kind of aerobic activity to burn a few hundred calories. I tried not to go too crazy at breakfast and lunch, but didn't really watch it too bad at dinner. The exercise helped because it kept me…
  • Thank you very much. I just can't get used to the negative exercise calories. I know how much I burn and I want credit for it! :smile: :smile:
    in FitBit Comment by melly424 October 2012
  • Well, I think I answered my own question. I still don't agree with it. I still exercise everyday, so not sure why it is docking me 110 calories. :smile: :smile: Here is the answer I found: "When the data reported by your Fitbit account shows that your daily calorie prediction from Fitbit and your estimated daily calories…
    in FitBit Comment by melly424 October 2012
  • This site has been my lifesaver. I lost almost 60 pounds since January 2011. I have been in a rut the past few months and have gained 10 back, but this site has stopped me from gaining it all back. I make sure I log in every day. I may not track everything, but at least I log in and read peoples posts. Very encouraging!…
  • I also do not worry about my sugar. I know I don't go crazy on my sugar, but I was still going over every day. As long as you aren't eating a bag of candy everyday, I personally wouldn't worry about it.
  • Getting a little bit of a late start! Here are my stats: SW - 219 CW - 169 GW - 162 UGW _ 140
  • I was going to say the same thing. I guess men can just say it, not women???:smile: :smile: (This was in reference to using the F--- word!)
  • I agree that you should be eating breakfast. That just begins your day on the right foot, but I do know some people just do not like to eat in the mornings. I recently started using the Whey Protein shakes in the morning and sometimes at night. I teach pre-school and am required to eat breakfast with the kiddos at school.…
  • I began my journey at 219 pounds. I am currently at 160 and wanting to lose another 20 pounds or so. I have between 1260 and 1440 calories depending on my weight loss settings.
  • When I began MFP, I worked out 3-4 days a week. Now, it is pretty much 7 days a week. Even if one or two days is a light workout, it is just easier for me to workout daily. Usually, I get up early before the kids are up so I can get a workout in peacefully. Currently, I am doing P90X and I love it. It isn't easy, but it is…
  • Cadbury Mini-Eggs! Thankfully you can only get them a couple of times a year!
  • I have no idea what their screen names are on MFP. I'd like to know myself. LOL! Courtney is doing great with her weight loss, but stil has a bit to go. She recently had skin removal surgery. When one loses that much weight, it is rare that the skin shrinks back to its original size. I thnk she has one more surgery to go.…
  • All I can say is that you can do it! I started my journey on January 7, 2011. I was the only one in my family who took it seriously, so here I was, eating healthy and trying not to cheat, but everyone else was eating bad stuff. My daughter climbed on board with me, but has been on again, off again. Currently, she is on…
  • You can nuke peanut butter. In my "bad" days, I would nuke it all the time for an ice cream topping. Just do it for 10-15 seconds though.
  • Great job on the run! :wink: I have lost almost 20 pounds which has taken me down 1 clothing size. Like you, it isn't where I want to be, but headed in the right direction. Right now, I am wearing the same pants that used to be tight on me, but using a belt to hold them up.:happy: In probably anothe 10 pounds I am going to…
  • You could probably do the 10 pounds a month for a few months, but I feel that you may get disappointed and give up when you come across a month that you can't do it. A realistic weight loss goal that most doctors will tell you is 1 - 1.5 pounds a week. Between 4 and 6 pounds. If you set your goal at 5, you will be happy…
  • I am going to do that too! That is the only real way to see how accurate it is. Everyone should do that and then report back in 5 weeks!
  • If you had a really good day and were under several hundred calories from your daily goal, it is going to give you an unrealistic goal. You can't (and shouldn't) eat that little everyday. The realistic ones are on days that you hit your goal. I think it is pretty accurate at that point.