Meeting Courtney and Marci Croizer

My sister, daughter and I had the opportunity to attend a Faith, Family and Fitness event this past weekend. Guest speakers were Courtney and Marci Croizer from last season's Biggest Loser. They were awesome and so inspirational. I knew they lived a couple of hours away from me, so I was hoping an opportunity would come up that I could attend a function they were participating in. Not only did they give great fitness tips, they told their Biggest Loser story and also participated in a 5K with everyone. There were not a lot fo people at the event (it was in a relatively small town), so we got to spend a lot of time with them. I took my 15 year old daughter with me and she did her first 5K. Her goal was to finish in an hour and she did it in 58 minutes. At the end, Courtney ran out and finished the race with her. I have posted pictures in my profile. If anyone ever gets the chance to meet them, I highly recommend it. Both of them endorsed My Fitness Pal too and they both use it daily. That was cool to hear! I just wanted to share my story. It has given me a new boost to try to finish this weight loss journey. I am down 40 pounds, but still need to lose another 30.


  • jaxson1974
    That is very cool! I love the Biggest Loser and Courtney was such an inspiration. How is she doing with her weight loss?
    Great pics :)
  • Suzymo3
    Suzymo3 Posts: 77 Member
    So cool, I loved them on Biggest Loser. Thanks for sharing your pics :)
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    That's so cool. I would so love to be friends with them on MFP if they happen to see this PLEASE add me.
  • melly424
    I have no idea what their screen names are on MFP. I'd like to know myself. LOL! Courtney is doing great with her weight loss, but stil has a bit to go. She recently had skin removal surgery. When one loses that much weight, it is rare that the skin shrinks back to its original size. I thnk she has one more surgery to go. I would say she has another 30 pounds to go. Marci has kept her weight off and looks great as well. What was neat was that everyone tells them how inspirational they are, but Marci says it is us who are inspirational to her. She really enjoys meeting people and talking about her journey. I have some recipes that we received during the event that I will share. I don't have them with me right now. I'll try to post them tonight.