
I have been using the Fitbit for almost a year and I really like it. I have it linked to my MFP account which I also enjoy. But recently, everytime I log in in the morning, there has been a Fitbit adjustment of 110 calories (not in my favor). I have 1310 calories for the day, but everyday this week, I begin the day with 1200 calories due to the exercise adjustment. Is this happening to anyone else?


  • melly424
    Well, I think I answered my own question. I still don't agree with it. I still exercise everyday, so not sure why it is docking me 110 calories. :smile: :smile: Here is the answer I found:

    "When the data reported by your Fitbit account shows that your daily calorie prediction from Fitbit and your estimated daily calories from your MyFitnessPal account are different, we'll adjust your net calorie goal accordingly. The "Fitbit Calorie Adjustment" represents the additional calories you have burned, above and beyond our original estimate. You may also see a negative adjustment if your activity level suggests you are less active than our MyFitnessPal estimate assumes. Because the adjustment value is recalculated every time your Fitbit uploads new data, you should expect this value to change over the course of the day. "
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    There is a lot of controversy around this. Many of us think it's not working appropriately but product support thinks it is. There is a long thread in the technical support forum and a couple more in the FitBit users group.