

  • My belief is that there is no magic solution to weigh loss. The only thing that works is a reasonable diet, exercise and patience. Plateau is normal although very frustrating. You job to get past it is to change the exercise routine and do lots of different exercises. Circut training is the best for this. There are many…
  • Very good topic to discuss. I think many couples have the same issue. Relationships are hard to begin with so when you add in trying to lose weight it's an uphill battle. Especially when you both have different ideas bout what you want for yourselves. You have taken the plunge into losing weight and having a healthy…
  • I may try it in PA. this year in June. Looks hard and fun!!! Patrick
  • Congrats!!! Patrick
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. It's ok to slip every now and then. My thought on a cheat day is a reward for a goal reached. Like a weight or an amount of excercise completed. Remeber it's about the long haul. So you weigh in. Set a relaistic goal for the next two weeks and go for it. Then reward yourself - reasonably and…
  • Don't be so hard on yourself! The coming week you will do extra workouts and stay true to your diet!!! Enjoy the cheese cake but eat it as a reward for you taking charge and focusing next week and the weeks to follow!!! Good Luck Patrick
  • That schedule is a busy one! I would suggest you first get well then approach it with the idea that you are not giving your immune system enough to fight off any illness. I don't know what your diet is but a strong healthy immune system is key. With children that age they pick up everything and pass it around. Not to…
  • These work for me... Patrick
  • Good work....Keep it up! You are in the hardest part.....2nd month you will not see the dramatic weight loss. Don't get bothered by it. Just keep moving and lose consistantly. Good Luck and keep going. Patrick
  • Keep it up. This app is a great tool to keep you on track. Good Luck. Patrick
  • My policy has always been if I am sick that I do not work out untill I am felling better. You body is fighting off sickness and working out will prolong getting better. You will heal faster with the rest. Then get back to the workout. Hope you feel better soon. Patrick
  • Here is an article that may help: I would suggest you walk 5 minutes then do 5 - 10 minutes of stretching then get into your work out routine. When I started mine ( I lost 60 pounds) the stretching really helped sore muscles and gave me more flexibility. I…
  • Do you feel better? Have you noticed changes? Along with the weight loss consider other positive factors. Having a weigh in day is a good idea and having it be a week apart is good too. Also, I push it to 10 days the second and third weeks for the weigh in. Good Luck Patrick
  • I googled a few receipes: they seemd to be good. Patrick
  • Jody, Think of the awesome changes you have achieved so far. Build on that and change up. I do not focus on weigh ins. I focus on how I feel and stretch my weigh ins out the further in I go. For instance on week three I weigh in after a week and a half. I also change up my exercise because of the plateau effect. You body…
  • Hello Marybeth618 - Congrats on your first week! So you had 5 pieces of pizza and slipped. Cut yourself some slack and then get back to the good diet and exercize. I am a stay at home Dad with 1 son. I lost my job in March 2010 to a layoff. The hardest thing I had to deal with was what to actually do all day. For 26 years…
  • Best of Luck! You can do it!!! Patrick
  • I would say the hardware in that computer is faulty. While there may not be a utility to confirm that. The fact that you have the exact same issue at home with it would say to me that computer is the issue. Possibly a faulty connection on the system board to the USB. Just a hunch. I would assume it is out of warranty…