frustration :(

themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
this is my first week and i have been doing good. drinking lots and lots of water, cutting out soda, and trying to exercise on a regular basis. but last night, my boyfriend and me went to dominos....DOMINOS?!?!?! 4 and a half pieces (ok 5) later, i felt awful!!!! i knew i needed to go to the grocery store (which i am doing today) but it just seemed easier after a long day of teaching to grab something. how am i suspossed to lose weight if i am going to dominos? how do i make the time to workout daily if i'm always feeling i have no time? is it just me or is it harder to workout and eat better if your significant other doesn't workout? i cook so eating better really falls on what i make but it's so frustrating sometimes. i'm 25 with no kids and i read all about people WITH kids doing it and being successful. how can i be like that??? sorry about my ranting, i'm a little frustrated :explode:


  • KellyS0828
    KellyS0828 Posts: 32 Member
    Don't be frustrated. I have days where I eat what I want and how much I want. And I am talking ice cream, pizza, etc. I am still losing. The days you don't do the greatest, forget about them. Just start fresh with your next meal. You have to live once in awhile, or you are destined to fail. As far as exercising, I force myself to walk in the evenings, and 3 or 4 times a week I get up 25 to 30 min early to do some strength training. It's stinks, but you just have to do it.
  • RedfootDaddy
    RedfootDaddy Posts: 274 Member
    It is harder if your significant other isn't doing it with you - so kick his butt to get him to join up! Even if he doesn't want to lose weight, just sit down and tell him that he's gotta support you. Which doesn't mean plying you with Domino's!

    It can be frustrating, I know. I work full-time as a cashier, so that's nine hour shifts and a two-hour commute by bus five or six days a week. I never feel like I have time to work out, and the temptation to just grab food on the way home is very strong. I've found that making up a casserole or something and then freezing it in chunks can get you through nights where you just don't want to cook.
  • sara_bear84
    sara_bear84 Posts: 65 Member
    OK so Dominoes probably wasn't the greatest idea in the world but don't panic too much, you can probably gain back a little of the calories used each day by haveing a little less than usual or by adding in a little more exercise! Don't get too disheartened just draw a mental line under the day and start again fresh.

    As for making time I have been notoriously bad at being able to prepare healthy food in advance or even making myself go food shopping when I need to! There is no easy solution it's all just good planning. I plan all of my evening meals before I shop so in theory I should never have a night where takeaway is easier. I now also prepare my lunch at the same time as cooking my evening meal, I'm already in the kitchen so I don't lose any more of my personal time.

    As for your significant other, if as you say you do the majority of the cooking they will have no choice but to eat healthier!! As for the working out I don't know what to suggest I'm lucky in that I can exercise with my sister who lives close by.

    I don't know whether this will have helped or not but just remember if you are feeling down or paniced or stressed that there are loads of people on MFP to give you support. We're all in the same boat!

    Good Luck!!!
  • Nsnegour
    Nsnegour Posts: 1 Member
    I've just recently started as well and it's definitely harder in the begining. Your trying to change your habits and improve you lifestyle to become a healthier you, it takes a lot of will power to keep it up especially at the begining. I feel you pain about having your siginifcant other not helping the situation, and I find myself sometimes falling off and giving in to temptation! The most important thing is to not give up and realize its going to get easier as you figure out what works best for you to stay on track. Remember that your not the only one, and if you slip up and give in its not a big deal as long as you keep trying.
  • Hello Marybeth618 - Congrats on your first week! So you had 5 pieces of pizza and slipped. Cut yourself some slack and then get back to the good diet and exercize. I am a stay at home Dad with 1 son. I lost my job in March 2010 to a layoff. The hardest thing I had to deal with was what to actually do all day. For 26 years I went to work. Now I am a professional diaper changer.

    What I am saying is that you have the power to make choices to exercie and diet reasonably within your schedule if you really want to. Have a serious conversation with your boyfriend and tell him that this is something you want to do and it is important for you. My wife does not exersize at all. I would like her to do it with me but she does not want to. I exersize 6 days a week. I work it in and she knows that I am a happier person when I do. My anxiety and stress levels are at an all time low.

    Make it fun and enjoyable and it will be a lifestyle change for both of you. The most important thing is to just do it. You will feel better and most likely get closer to your boyfriend doing activities that you both can have fun with.

    Good Luck and don't give up! Looking forward to week 2!!!!!

  • LizSaa
    LizSaa Posts: 3
    Just make last nights meal your "cheat" meal for the week. :) No worries really!!! My suggestion is if you can, start your morning with a walk or light jog (20-30 min). Give your metabolism a jump start to burning calories all day long. This will help you get something of a workout in, but ideally you will want to make time for strength training 3 times a week and some type of cardio 5 times a week. As for your boyfriend, find things that he would enjoy doing and instead of making it a workout, make it an activitiy for two! Bike ride, hike, walking, bowling, rock climbing.......... BTW I do P90X because its easy to do at home and do not miss the gym at for something easy and at home I would suggest that.

    Keep it up! Remember the slower the weight comes off the longer it stays off. Girl we all get hungry for greasy, high in fat bad stuff! I already have my "cheat" meal planned for tomorrow night, had it planned since Monday! LOL
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I also have not so good days. My husband is not interested in eating healthier or exercising, almost everyday I end up cooking two different meals. Sometimes it makes it a little harder but I know what I want and what my goal is. Good luck
  • I am a teacher as well and I know how being a good teacher can consume your life! Do you bring a lot of school work home to do? Is it possible to go in earlier and do more in the mornings so you have more time in the evenings for exercise? I'm lucky, in that I have wonderful principal who encourages exercise. I workout about 3 days a week on my plan time. I have a few exercise DVDs that I do in my classroom on my plan time. And at night, I work out as well. Not every night but I'd say at least 4 days a week. What about a Wii. I find that to be great family time with my boys ( I have two and am I single mom). Wii fit plus is my favorite and they like doing it too! But there are MANY others out there that will make you sweat. Just Dance, Zumba, Biggest Loser, etc.
    As for your pizza night, the key, and it is so important, is to not let one bad day derail your entire mission. It is SO easy to just give up after you feel like you screwed up. That's where so many people fail! Just make today a GOOD day! You'll feel better about yourself, and it will make tomorrow easier to do it again! You are young and beautiful. You are deciding to do this life change at a good time! You can do it!
  • themrsbriggs
    themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
    WOW!!!! i read each reply and i am SOOO glad i joined MFP. each of you made me feel better and brightened my day!! i know i WILL make it with support like this!!!!! :wink:
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