Exercise Question??

rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
So exercise is pretty new to me! I have been doing about 30-45 min of cardio 4 times a week since starting on this program. Yesterday when I was walking I set it to the highest incline to get a better burn. Today the front of my shins are hurting really bad, is this something that I should....
1) Take a day off?
2) Push through the pain?
3) Just do something different???
I am really not sure what the best course of action should be. Any advice is welcomed! Thanks!


  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Never had this issue but I think you should work your way up to a higher incline just don't jump to the highest setting. You may be using muscles your not used to using, give it a days rest then start back.
  • you have shin splints. they hurt really bad , you need to take time off and you need to go a little slower on the incline . if you have and elliptical you can use that untill the shins heel.
  • bwleung89
    bwleung89 Posts: 55 Member
    i dont think its shin splints but more of tiring out the tendon that allows you to point your foot up. It used to happen to me when i first started the football season. After a workout try walking backwards or spelling out every letter of the alphabet with your toes, that way it stretches out that tendon and eventually it wont be a problem during workout. Congrats on the 45 min of cardio a day.
  • This sounds to me very much like a potential shin splint, you perhaps need to take a check on the footwear you have, the soft(ish) cushioned floor that you exercise on but definitely take a day off to aid recovery

    See here for details on shin splints http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/cybertherapist/front/lowerleg/shinsplints.htm
  • Here is an article that may help:


    I would suggest you walk 5 minutes then do 5 - 10 minutes of stretching then get into your work out routine. When I started mine ( I lost 60 pounds) the stretching really helped sore muscles and gave me more flexibility. I would strech after I exersize as well. You may want to add some strenth training as well.

    Good Luck

  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    So exercise is pretty new to me! I have been doing about 30-45 min of cardio 4 times a week since starting on this program. Yesterday when I was walking I set it to the highest incline to get a better burn. Today the front of my shins are hurting really bad, is this something that I should....
    1) Take a day off?
    2) Push through the pain?
    3) Just do something different???
    I am really not sure what the best course of action should be. Any advice is welcomed! Thanks!

    hmmm... are you one of these people that puts treadmills on an extreme incline and then hold on for dead life when walking on it??? :huh:

    If so, what you do is artificially take the weight out of your hamstrings and relying overly on the front of your legs giving rise to shin splints and potentially plantar faciitis if you're not careful.

    Why don't you work an incline you can really sustain, or mix up your cardio also doing non-impact stuff like rowing on the C2 (same burn than elliptical), or elliptical intervals, or a spin class etc.
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