

  • hey-I do this to help with keeping my blood sugar stable in addition to helping with food cravings. I still get pretty bad ones sometimes, but having more, smaller meals definitely helps. However, like most people have said, you have to do what works the best for your body and schedule. I have a flexible schedule, so I…
  • Slight indulgence! The best way to maintain health all the time is to treat yourself sometimes! I can have serious issues if I don't let myself have some kind of treat every now and then (like...don't eat any sugar for weeks and then eat several pints of ice cream type serious issues). So, instead of not having anything…
  • I think you may as well just eat some ice cream. It would be a lot more enjoyable than throwing pop tarts in a smoothie...and actually more nutritious if you compare the nutritional values. OR you could do your body a favor and make something good for a peanut butter/banana/milk smoothie with some of that…
  • I like chia seeds because they give me a little extra protein in salads and smoothies. I don't notice feeling fuller, but overall when I hit 80-90 grams of protein a day, I lose weight more effectively. Since I eat a lot of veggies and fruits I need to add extra protein in any way I can to reach this goal. Just watch how…
  • I love using quinoa pasta (like this: in a simple spaghetti and meat-sauce dish. But I add LOTS of veggies into the sauce-onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, bok choy, spinach, kale, etc. I love the added flavor PLUS you can cut down on how much pasta you eat and fill up on the veggie part.…
  • I lost really fast in the first couple of weeks on a drastic lifestyle change (I stopped soda, processed junk, surgery cereals, candy, etc. all at once). I lost 10 lbs in one week with minimal exercise. It was quite unhealthy. After 20 lbs I didn't lose for a while...then changed up the exercise and diet plan and proceeded…
  • Lol-and by elevates I definitely was trying to spell eleviate. Ha.
  • Hey! I have done the South Beach Phase 1 twice. It only lasts for 2 weeks, after which you will see an increase in the calories. I think the purpose of this phase is just to jump start your weight-loss, help get rid of carb cravings and start you thinking about healthy choices. Then you slowly add back in more calories and…
  • I think aiming not to eat after 7pm is a good goal. I agree with some other comments to your post saying to watch what you eat versus when. Try to add more whole/real foods versus processed foods. Processed foods really make me hold onto weight (I think due to the sodium content and the empty calories in the fake food!).…
  • Hey! I love Jamie Eason's food plan. I wasn't eating enough cals either for a long time and I gained. Try it out. It's an increase in food, but you will lose it. Also, I like the other suggestions on HIIT versus extreme cardio.
  • Elaine is right! This is a great success. Nutritionists and trainers suggest most people to lose 1-2 lbs a week as healthy, safe weight loss.
  • Hey! I agree, muscles are heavier than fat, so you may have replaced fat with muscle. Also, you may be eating less than 1200 calories, but you need to eat the correct types of foods to see true weight loss and a healthy body! My best tips: eat real food, not processed fake stuff, drink plenty of water, reduce and…
  • Lifting in sitting positions or using some weight machines will be really beneficial to you with an injury. Using the machines can help take some of the pressure off of hurt joints or tendons. I used machines to strengthen some injured joints, and now I don't need to use them. I am all free weights now, which can help work…
  • Hey! I know that feeling. I lost the bulk of my weight (going on 75 lbs lost total this week! WHOA!) while working 40-45 hours a week and taking Masters classes at night. It is crazy hard to do, but worth it in the long run. I know this is hard to hear, but I have learned over the past 75 lbs that weight loss is more about…
  • Hey! Hang in there! It will come. I have lost 70 lbs so far. There were weeks when I lost really well and weeks when I didn't lose any. It has taken me 4 years to lose this much. Most of it was done in 2 years. Being healthy is not an easy process! A temporary stop in weight loss may happen with a big weight loss goal like…
  • I don't think you should count something like this as water. If you check the ingredients, it has so much extra junk that really, you should probably drink extra water to try and get rid of it. I love some of the ideas posted in reply about real fruit in water, if you need something to change the taste. If you get rid of…