boymomthree Member


  • Patience is a good virtue. :) I made a couple of appointments with specialists today for new opinions. A lot of the problem has been going it alone due to not having insurance for years. For this minute we have some, not great, but better than nothing, so I figure I better get on the ball and use it.
  • True. Just came off that way. I would have a hard time reading my original post and not be sarcarstic in my response as well. ;)
  • This is what I was looking for...some encouraging news from someone that has worked through some of their physical issues. Thank you for your reply and respect! I am just looking for something that I can do outdoors. I do go to the gym, use DVDs at home and the treadmill at home, it just gets boring. Looks like I am…
  • What I am wondering is if anyone out there was told they could not do something but found help to work through whatever ailment they suffer from and can now do exactly what they were told was impossible.
  • Maybe I am not making my question clear or you just feel like being snarky, either way, I now see why so many MFP friends say they never post on the community pages anymore.
  • I have been having that almost every day. 1 or 2 tbsp. If I don't stop there I will eat the whole jar. ;)
  • I have been eating almonds but I try to limit almonds to a handful a day. I will eat the whole container if I don't watch it. Maybe I should restock the almond butter. Avocados are a fave and I have them often but there are about $2 each right now.
  • They actually make you gain weight and are toxic. Great choice. I am doing the same. I have also given up all pop (soda) regular and diet. Step away from the Splenda people! Aspartame is in gum so I have given that up as well. 6 years ago I quit cereal as well. Decided I didn't need the empty carbs and it was too tempting…
  • Target is good but my favorite workout clothes are by far Old Navy and they have the larger sizes. Get the fold over waist yoga capris and pants. They hold you in just as well, or in my opinion, better than expensive Danskin ones and are so comfortable and don't move at all.
  • Let go Rocks!!! I sure wish I had season opener tickets for tomorrow! Have you seen what they are being scalped for on Craigs? Yikes! Tried to get tix to take my 3 boys and no luck.
  • I agree whole heartedly with this poster. You are only having one or two at a time and proabaly not every day. It is a good fat and as long as you don't go crazy on quantity, you are just fine. I am not a fan of fake anything. Don't want the chemicals and heaven knows what else is in packaged food. Egg Beaters have a…
  • I am a mom of 3 boys. 10,7,5. Always looking for new friends. You can do this and we can help. Feel free to add me.
  • My boobs were sore and I was peeing all the time with the first. The second was the peeing again. The third I was 2 days late. Took a test, was positive and the very next day the all day sickness began. Also wanted to add, with the first two, I was several days early and the tests still turned positive. First Response…
  • I think we have all been there. You can do this and we all can help! I, too, have a friendly scale and it's just a bummer to go to the gym and use that one and the numbers are 4 to 5 lbs more than you had thought you were. Here is a tip. It's just a number. Eventually, using any scale, it will go down. Don't get so focused…
  • I also wanted to add this about adding citrus. While it is good tasting and gives you a little C watch out for tooth enamel decay from the acid. My dentist told me to knock it off, that water is the way it is for a reason. ;D
  • Please see my post a couple above yours. The docotr and nutritionist rule of thumb is to drink your body weight divided in two in ounces. (ex: 152lbs in half is 76 so that person should be drinking no less than 76oz a day). But this is just the minimum. It does not take in to account hydration during workouts, stenuous…
  • This is what I have found that works for me, a water hater. I know most people say to get a gigantor jug and fill that up for their entire daily intake. It's overwhelming for me to look at that much water all at once! Most home drinking glasses are 16oz and much more doable in my mind. One glass downed and there is 2 of my…
  • TUESDAY CHALLENGE: H2O TUESDAYS! 12 cups water: DONE 45 minutes Cardio: DONE (elliptical) 15 (20) minutes strength training: DONE **TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS!! ---: FAIL ;) I have to get this done before I lose any more! Tomorrow is the day.
  • My goals are in your range as well. Started out at 161. Now at 156. Goal is 140. I am highly motivated and commited to acheiving success once and for all. It's truly a complete lifestyle change. No looking back! I make it to the gym anout 4 times a week. I am ready to cheer to victory.
  • Ok. My weigh in is going to be skewed but here is the run down. I just joined this site but I do know my weight each day because I have routinely weighed just about for many years. Last Monday, 1/3/11 8:30am 154.4 Today, Monday 1/10 2:25pm 156.4 I was in a rush and didn't weigh. Figured I would do it when I got home but…
  • Sounds like we have about the same story. Problem is my youngest is getting too old for any excuses. ;) Our goals look about the same as well. We can and will do this!
  • I an new and new friends. This is the year. Let's do this lifestyle change once and for all. We can all use the encouragement, support and accountability. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi workout buddy and just all around bff! I am thinking I will be glad in the long run too. Glad that you are glad I made it. ;p :flowerforyou: The food diary alone just may be the trick but the wonderful people, support, encouragement and info are great! :drinker: See you at the gym later. :love:
  • I am in! I just got started on this site yesterday and am determined to stay focused. I think seeing my food intake onscreen every single day might be a big help. I will post my weight after I weigh this morning.
  • Is it too late to join?